"The weirdo"

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"Fuck...." I whispered to myself.

I can't believe after all of last year's problems, I was just starting to feel happy again, but now, I had to go to a new school and start all over. Maybe I'm just too scared of changes...

My mom drove me to my new school. I had no idea where to go or what to do.

"Are you Laura?" I heard a cold voice ask to me.

"Uh......Yes" I answer.

"Well...come with me" The horrible woman said.

On my way to her office I saw a group of students that caught my attention. They were staring at me like if they felt bad for me or something. One of the guys in the group said something to another guy who was almost completely covered by his sweater. The guy quickly stood up. He ran to the office were I was about enter, and whispered something to the strange woman. I didn't understand anything of what was happening...

"Good luck in your first day of school Laura" the old woman said.

The guy took my arm and leaded me out of that office. I was about to ask what the hell just happened when he interrupted me.

"Well...I think you should flip your septum in if you don't want to be punished by Mrs. Anderson. Oh, and I love your Asking Alexandria t-shirt by the way."

I smiled because now I understood everything, this guy helped me because the woman was about to punish me for my septum piercing. I noticed two piercing scars on each side of his lips. He was tall, had black messy hair, beautiful brown eyes and was using skinny jeans and a "Blink 182" t-shirt.

"Thanks for helping me..." I said while I was staring at his big brown puppy eyes.

*Bell rings*

"Anytime" he said.

He smiled at me and walked away. I walked to my class and sat in the only empty desk and waited for the day to end. No one in my class talked to me, they just stared and laughed.

"Ok class, we have a new student today so each one of you will say your name, age and favorite hobby " my teacher said

I stood up because it was my turn. "My name is Laura, I'm 15 and I like to play guitar and listen to my favorite bands.

"I thought she was going to say that cutting was her favorite hobby" a girl said and everyone started laughing.

I was so stupid...I thought that not wearing sweater will make people think I wasn't weird, but my scars weren't faded enough. That's it, now everyone thinks I'm the new stupid emo weirdo, what a great start on my first day of school. I took my sweater and put it on.

"Honey its too late" my teacher said

I took a deep breath and said in the nicest way to my teacher if she could leave me the fuck alone.

I don't know how but I made it through the day. I walked to my house and threw everything on locked myself in my room.

*knocks on the door*

"Laura! How was your day?" my mom asked

"Mom, I'm tired" I said

I grabbed my laptop and headphones and started listening to the first thing that was on my music playlist.


*two weeks later*

It was recess and I was sitting in my usual spot, behind the restrooms. Everyone that passed near me would stare, I couldn't believe I was totally done with this school shit and it had only been 2 weeks...this is hell. This time, the last group of people to walk near me were some popular girls and one of them came to talk to me.

"HEY! What's your name??" the popular girl asked

"Laura.." I said

"Oh...cool! Wanna hang out with us?" She asked

After two weeks in school I didn't talk to anyone but teachers and that one time I talked to the guy, so I thought it was a good idea to try and make some friends. The girl's name was Lilly, she was always smiling and she knew almost the whole school.

"Laura, you see that guy there? Handsome right?" Lilly said. The guy was tall and had brown messy hair. He wasn't that bad, but I liked the boy I met the first day. I haven't seen him since then, but I think that's because I never came out of behind the restrooms in recess.

"Nah...that's not my type" I laughed

"Dude that guy is everyone's type. My friend Kelly told me he likes you."

"Haha I don't think so"

"What kind of guys do you like?" she asked

"I don't know...Messy dark hair, and if they listen to my music I guess"

"Ew...do you like emos?" she laughed. I don't consider them "emos" so I just stood there quiet.

"In this school you may not see many of those.. but actually theres one, his name is Nikki, and you better don't like him because he's my best friend's ex" She explained.

Each day that passed in this hell was worse and worse. I would really like to get to know the only person that has been nice to me in here, but I guess I can't now....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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