Trigger warning

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They promised to save my life

They tried oh-so hard

They were oh-so close

Dear people,

Remember when you called me a heartless emo? Remember when you called me weird? Mean? Stupid? I do. I cried myself to sleep and threatened the blade on my fragile skin.

Dear so-called-best-friend, D,

Remember when I told you I was suffering depression? Remember when I fell asleep as you hugged me? Remember when I showed you my scars? I do. You laughed at my confession. You pushed me away and out of your arms into nothingness. You gave me a sarcastic thumbs up, looking at my skin.

I thought you'd change, but I feel like jumping is the only answer, now that you haven't. Watch me run and watch no one care. Watch me die and watch no one cry. Watch me jump and watch no one notice.

My absence will simply fuel your cruelty

Watch me jump. Watch me use the four pounds of strength to pull a trigger pressed to my head. Watch me hang from a rope. Watch no one care.


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