30 day challenge

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Okay so I wanted to do this 30 day challenge and yeah I'm going to now... Should I start like tomorrow or should I start on August 1st?

Just in case you can't see the media:::::
Day one: yourself
Day two: animal
Day three: food
Day four: place
Day five: best friend
Day six: book
Day seven: movie
Day eight: animated character
Day nine: TV show
Day ten: candy
Day eleven: turning point in your life
Day twelve: accomplishment
Day thirteen:comic
Day fourteen: fairy tale
Day fifteen: family picture
(I'll finish later...)

If you want, you can ask for me to do any of them from the list next.. .3.

Bye! I'm excited

Little bit of artNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ