Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Wednesday September 9th 1938

Hannah looked at Robert for a good fifteen seconds.

"What are you talking about...?" Hannah asked skeptically.

Robert closed his eyes. His brow furrowed, as if recalling a painful memory.

"Your grandmother used witchcraft to apprehend criminals." Robert replied in a low voice.

"Y-you're crazy!" Hannah exclaimed.

"No, listen to me! Hannah, why else would your grandmother keep her past a secret?" Robert asked.

"I-I-I don't know! But... witchcraft?" Hannah said the last word quietly.

Robert looked Hannah right in the eye.

"I found it hard to believe as well, but like I said, I saw her do it. I watched her cast a spell on a criminal, forcing him to submit to her." He said intently.

"My... Grandmother is a... Witch?" Hannah asked breathlessly.

"Yes. I swear to you, Hannah." Robert said sincerely.

Although I didn't say anything, I had to admit that I didn't believe this man. I wanted to, but I knew that there was no way that it was possible. Witchcraft doesn't exist, witches aren't real. Hannah looked overwhelmed.

"I just... I need to think this over. It's a lot to take in, you know?" She asked.

"I understand. I should be taking my leave anyhow. This is farewell. If you have any further questions that your grandmother won't answer, you know how to reach me." He said as he got up.

"Good bye Robert, and thank you so much for meeting us." Hannah said sincerely.

"No problem. Take care." Robert replied.

"You too." Blaire called.

"Take it easy." I said with a laugh.

"Thanks." He said as he walked out the door.

It had gotten a little darker outside and it was almost dusk.

"We should be getting home." I advised.

"Yeah, let's go." Blaire agreed.

We all walked out of Paul's and walked to school.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow. And thanks so much for your help." Hannah thanked us.

"Don't sweat it, what are friends for?" Blaire asked with a laugh.

"It was no trouble. Truth be told I quite enjoyed it." I admitted.

"Guys, I want to confront my grandmother about what we learned, but I don't want to do it alone. Could you two please come over tomorrow?" Hannah asked.

"We have to ask our parents if we can go." I told her.

"I understand, thanks." Hannah said.

"Thanks so much, see you tomorrow." Hannah said with a wave as she turned away.

I turned to Blaire.

"See you tomorrow, Blaire." I said.

"Yeah." Blaire replied.

I walked away, toward my house. The walk was short and in no time I was walking through my front door.

"Hey, champ. How'd the project go?" My dad asked.

"It was good. I learned a lot." I answered truthfully.

"Well that's swell. Did you have something to eat?" He asked.

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