Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Tuesday September 8th 1938

The whole class went by pretty quickly. Mr. Gord asked a random person a question, then moved on to the next one. After he went through everyone, he went through some review word problems with the class. The bell rang, signaling the end of class. As Blaire and I stood up and began to walk out of class, Hannah jogged after us.

"Oh, Blaire! Max!" She called.

We turned around and waited for her.

"What classes do you guys have?" She asked.

We both handed her our time tables.

"Sweet, we have first and third together." She said with a smile as she handed our time tables back.

"Okay, we'll see you third period." I told her with a little smile.

With that, Hannah walked off.

"Well, she seems nice." Blaire remarked.

"Indeed she does. I like her." I said.

Blaire glanced at her time table.

"Okay, next we have science. Room 217." She said.

"We should get our things from our lockers." I suggested.

We walked back down to our lockers and put our math supplies away. We each grabbed new notebooks, pencils and erasers. We then retraced our steps upstairs to the sience room. We both walked down the hall, following the room numbers until we reached 217. We walked in. There were a couple kids in there already. The teacher was female who looked to be in her late twenties. She had auburn hair, crystal blue eyes and a slim figure. She wrote her name on the chalk board; Ms. Harris.

Blaire and I sat next to each other behind a lab bench. I looked around the room to find that there were about twelve lab benches, each one had two chairs behind it. The benches each had a tap. Empty beakers of different shapes and sizes were also on them. As I studied the room, more kids came into the class room. When we were all seated the teacher took attendance. No one was absent so she took the attendance down to the office. She was gone a few minutes and when she came back she started the lesson.

"Hello class, I'm Ms. Harris and I will be teaching you grade nine science this year." She told us.

She then turned to the board and wrote down some numbers; 20 11 5 and 7.

"We will be opening with our chemistry unit. Now, can anyone tell me which elements these numbers represent?" She asked.

Only a few others raised their hands. I raised mine as well. Blaire looked stumped.

"You in the back, Henry." Ms. Harris said, pointing to a kid with brown hair and glasses.

"Twenty represents calcium, eleven represents sodium, five represents boron and seven represents nitrogen." Henry stated.

Ms. Harris looked taken aback.

"To be honest I didn't think anyone would get that. Well done, Henry." She said, still sounding a little shocked.

A few people in the class clapped. Henry beamed.

"Looks like you have some competition Max." Blaire whispered over the applause.

I looked at her and scoffed.

"Please." I retorted.

The rest of class consisted of naming various elements as well as the numbers associated with them such as atomic mass, atomic number and such. We also copied down the periodic table of elements in our binders, which was a drag. Blaire needed a little help and I gave it to her. We both finished without much trouble. Not long after, the bell rang. Blaire and I gathered our things and walked out of the class room together along with the other kids.

"Well, it's lunch now." I observed.

"Yeah, let's drop our stuff off at our lockers. My mom gave me money so I can go out for lunch." Blaire told me.

"I don't have any money. My mom thinks to pack an extra lock fopr you, but not a lunch for me." I sighed.

Blaire nudged me with her elbow.

"I'll buy you something. You saved my butt back there with the lock. I'll get you a burger and we'll call it even. Deal?" She asked.

"Throw some fries into that deal?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure, whatever." She replied.

Burgers and fries were easily two of my favorite foods in the world. Blaire and I walked to our lockers and dropped our things off.

"There's a burger place in town. We should be able to make it there, eat and come back in time for third period." Blaire said.

"It's called Paul's, isn't it?" I asked.

"Uh... I think so." Blaire replied with a nod.

Her and I walked to the front door of the school and stepped outside and into the cool fall air.

"Maybe also a drink?" I asked.

She sighed. "Fine, but now you owe me." She told me, as she started to walk faster.

I stopped, and thought. Now I owe her. Oh my.

"W- Wait! I'll just get a drink when I get back to school from the water fountain! You don't have to buy me a drink!" I said, running to catch up to her.

"Race you there," she told me, leaving me running in her dust.

I finally had caught up to her when she had slowed down to catch her breath. Blaire is fast at running, but only for short distance. I wasn't particularly athletic, but I did all right.

We arrived at Paul's, I was right. It was called Paul's.

"Here we are." Blaire stated, looking up at the sign.

After we walked through the doors, we sat down at a table. A waitress immediately came to us. She had shoulder length auburn hair and sapphire blue eyes. She looked to be about our age, maybe a year older. It's possible that she goes to our high school and works here on her lunch break.

"Hello there, my name is Anastasia and I'll be your server today. What would you like?" She asked sweetly.

"Just a small fries and two burgers, please." Blaire said to the girl.

"Coming right up." She said with a small smile.

Before Anastasia turned away, I saw a slight thing changed in her eyes. They changed color, but I couldn't tell what color they changed to because of the odd angle that the light gleamed in from the window. My brow furrowed as I frowned at the waitress. I stared at her for a good ten seconds before she shot me a strange glance.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

Realizing that I'd been staring, I blinked and shook my head a few times. I cleared my throat.

"No, no everything's fine." I responded with a wave of my hand.

"Okay then, I'll be back with your food in a few minutes." The waitress said as she walked away.

When the waitress was out of earshot, Blaire giggled.

"Max, it's not like you to check girls out. What gives?" She asked with a small grin.

I was certainly not a believer of the supernatural, I was a logical thinker, and everything has a logical explanation. I may have thought I saw the girl's eyes change color, but it was probably just the light from the window shining against her eyes.

"Never mind, it's not important." I said, brushing her off.

The same waitress came back a couple minutes later with our two burgers and my small fries on a tray, she set it on the table.

"Don't you want a drink with that?" The waitress asked.

"No, we're fine thanks." Blaire replied.

I began eating my burger and fries. After we ate, Blaire left the money on the table and we walked back to school. We made it with a few minutes to spare.

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