Chapter two

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My heart skipped a beat as the boy I'd stalked for years on end stood upright from his ducking position, a huge smile on his cheeky face as he looked round at all the screaming fans.

His dimples adorned his cheeks as his deep brown eyes twinkled due to the sun. Even from afar you could pick out every single one of his features, but none of his flaws.

His curly brown hair wasn't styled, instead it hung loosely like a mop, sprawled across the top of his forehead. His nose that he so badly hates looks just as good as it normally does. His face seems to have this glow to it, like he's radiating love and heat from his own very pores.

He looks perfect.

The overwhelming fact that I'm breathing the same air as Bradley Will Simpson causes my knees to shake and my head to feel light. I try and keep my eyes locked onto his small frame but everyone surrounding me is now going crazy due to the fact that all four boys have become visible and departed the car.

I didn't even notice.

The screaming has become above unbearable and every now and again my body gets squashed as girls cluster together to try and get as close to the front as possible.

"Hey!" I yelp as someone stands on my toe. I receive elbows in the ribs, knees up the bum and some people just blatantly shoved me out the way with their hands.

"Bitch." I mutter as one girl kicked my shin- I very much doubt by accident.

Everything was going crazy. The policeman were restraining people, whistles were being blown, body guards had appeared, blocking the doors to Claire's while I assume the boys prepared and got ready. Hectic was a perfect adjective to describe the whole situation.

Mia was clutching onto my arm, desperate to prevent us getting separated.

The screaming had died down, only slightly, which led me to think the boys had gone inside now. Everyone had stopped moving and stayed as still as they had done before.

"That was exciting wasn't it." The voice behind me made me jump. Mainly because she had to shout it right next to my ear to be heard properly. I turned to look at the girl we'd spoken to before, a delighted grin stretching her cheeks.

"I guess you could say that..." I smiled, my voice raised in a battle against the people that made it clear they were going to continue screaming no matter what.

"I'm Jasmine."

"Brooke." I introduced myself, "and this is Mia."

Mia smiled politely.

"So who's your favourite boy?" She giggled, directing her question to both of us.

I was quick to reply with "Bradley. 100%"

She nodded and turned to focus her attention on Mia.

"James. James is my baby." She smiled, her eyes brightening at the mention of her all time favourite person.

"No way! Me too!" Jasmine grinned, she raised her hand expecting Mia to high five her, however she got a shock when Mia turned back round, conspicuously ignoring her.

"Mia." I hissed, used to Mia's sudden change in mood. She could be so rude sometimes.

"What. Jems is mine."

I sighed, mentally condemning God for giving Mia such a defensive attitude.

"He's not yours. Stop being such a baby." I said sharply.

"Well Brad isn't yours then." She snapped, a spiteful glint in her eyes.

"You take that back!" I said, upset that she would say that to my face.

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