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Devon's pov
Me and ashton are baby shopping right now and its boring

"What color should the baby's room be?" Ashton asked

"White" I said

"why white? Why not pink"

"There is no way this baby is getting a pink room"

"Why not pink is a very girly color"

"Ashton we've been dating for 7 month I'm not girly girl so let's füçk pink and get white" Ashton nodded getting red then we walked to the baby clothes and Ashton picked out some girly clothes ani let him cuz there was only girly clothes for baby girls

"Let's look at toys" Ashton said

"Ok" we walked to the toy row and Ashton picked up a butterfly toy and put it in the cart then a baby set thing a pack in play a car set and all that shiz then went home

Siennas POV
Me and Calum were in a car he said we were going some were fun but wouldn't tell me where so we're in his car him driving me on the left (in Australia the driver side is the right)

We stopped at a jet ski place and a smile from ere to ere was in my face I love the water its my favorite place in the world

"Are you happy?" Calum asked

"Yes... I'm vary happy" i said

Me and Calum walked in

"Hi I'm Carry how can I help you?" The girl about 17 said

"Yes I'd like to rint two jet skis for a hour please" Calum said

"Alright the life jackets are on the skis so follow me" Carry said we followed her to the doc she gave us the life jackets "ok I'll tell you when you're hour is over" then she left

Me and Calum were riding around having fun and it was amazing "YOURE HOURS UP"Carry called we headed back but the stopped before we got there "its ok well get them just swim back"

Me and cal swam back and payed and left

"Thank you cal" I said

"Welcome babe" he smiled at me then looked back at the rode.

We got home and pretty much just made out

Hey gummy baers so I told jessa I would up date and I have so be happy now also MONEY is a great song I love it.

Picture at top is the baby's room

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