Starry Eyes and Soufflés

Start from the beginning

"Pretty good," Clara thought, twirling around.

Realizing she still had a table to set, Clara rushed back to the kitchen, relived to see that nothing was burning.

"Thanks again," Clara said to the TARDIS.

The timer on her phone went off, and now came the moment of truth. Grabbing her oven mitts, Clara cautiously opened the oven and clutched the soufflé. Setting the soufflé down on the counter, and kicking the oven door shut with her foot, Clara was anxious to see how her work turned out. Taking a miniscule amount of soufflé onto her spoon, Clara closed her eyes and tasted it.

"Finally," she sighed, a weight lifted off her chest. The soufflé was perfectly cooked, and tasted wonderful. She had a feeling the TARDIS helped out when it was in the oven, but she didn't care. She couldn't wait for the Doctor to taste this.

Setting the dish on the dinning table, along with a previously made salad, plates, utensils, and a bottle of Clara' favourtie Merlot, she decided it was time.

Checking her appearance one last time in the mirror, Clara set out to the console room.

"Clara!" The Doctor said, once she emerged from the corridor. "Just finished in here. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know. Same old same old. But can I ask something of you?" she asked shyly.

"Of course," the Doctor replied, leaning against the control panel.

"Follow me," she said, already turning on her heels back to the kitchen. Clara occasionally glanced behind her to find the Doctor following her, wearing a curious expression.

Clara led him into the kitchen to find that the TARDIS had made a few adjustments.

The lights had been dimmed, and a single candle had appeared in the center of the dining table. The TARDIS burbled again, which Clara interpreted as a snicker.

She couldn't say anything. Clara didn't want the Doctor to assume she had meant for it to seem like a date, but to be honest, the TARDIS did a damn good job of it looking that way.

'I- I cooked us dinner," Clara stuttered, breaking the silence. "I hope you don't mind."

The Doctor looked at Clara, and one of his rare wide smiles spread across his face.

"Of course I don't mind it. It looks wonderful, but, why?" he asked.

"Well, you've shown me so many things and taught me so much, I wanted to return the favor, in a way a 'human' would, I guess," Clara said.

The Doctor smiled again, and asked, "Well, then. Shall we?"

Clara nodded. The Doctor rounded the table and pulled Clara's chair out, making a motion for her to sit.

"Thank you," she said, smiling.

The Doctor sat down across from her and eyed the table.

"A soufflé?" He asked cautiously.

"Yes! And I promise, I got it right this time," Clara said proudly.

He raised an eyebrow at her, clearly in disbelief.

"Oh shut up. Try it," Clara said, spooning a portion onto his plate.

Glancing at her, he shoveled a reasonable amount of soufflé onto his fork, and brought it to his lips.

"Go on then!" she encouraged.

He quickly put the fork in his mouth, and chewed slowly, not breaking eye contact with Clara.

"You're evolving, Clara Oswald," he said, mouth still full.

" I knew you'd like it," she said smugly.

They continued their dinner eating, drinking, talking, and laughing.

"I'll do the dishes," he said, rising from his chair and taking their plates.

Clara watched him, so deep in thought she hadn't realized he had returned to his seat and had asked her a question.

"Sorry, what?" she shook out of her trance.

"I said, what would you like to do now?"

"Well I... I hadn't thought past this, to be honest," she said, suddenly nervous.

"I have an idea," he said, standing up and holding his hand out for her.

She eyed him carefully, took his hand, and rose from her seat.

They walked hand and hand down the corridor to the control room, where the Doctor broke contact with her to set in coordinates.

Hearing the TARDIS land, Clara's anticipation grew.

The Doctor rounded the console to Clara, and took her hand again. He led her to the door, and opened the door slightly, as if checking he got the date right.

He then opened the door in a grand motion.

"After you, m'lady."

It was a planet. But this planet, had fields of blue-ish tinted grass that seemed iridescent in the moonlight. Or moons light. There were three moons in the sky, all glowing in full glory.

"Wow," Clara whispered. She turned to the Doctor to find him looking straight at her, eyes bluer than she'd ever seen.

Before she knew it, his lips were on hers. He actually had initiated a kiss.

He tasted like Clara's merlot he claimed to dislike though drinking two full glasses, and cinnamon flavoured toothpaste.

After about a minute of full on snogging, he abruptly pulled back.

"Oh my god. I-. Well you've done it now Doctor! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Clara I'm so sorry I don't understand why I -"

"Doctor," Clara said calmly.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Look at me," she sighed.

He did.

"Do I look in any way angry, upset, or put off?"

"Well - "

She glared at him.

"No," he surrendered.

"Well. Kiss me again then," she smirked.

"Yes boss."

▪ ~Walking Back to the TARDIS~

"You cooked me dinner," the Doctor said, " You're such a human."

"You kissed me," she replied, "You're so in love with me."

"Touché," he smiled.


Hello guys!
I'm so so sorry for not making a proper update in like 12 years, I've been so busy with school and midterms asdfghjkl.

But I've had this story saved and I just finished it (naturally at 1:30 in the morning lol) and I wasn't sure if I should post it or not because I have mixed feeling about it.

But pleeaassee leave comments because I love feedback and love seeing what you all have to say.

I love you all and thank you so much for all the kind words!


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