2.Menstruation Vampire

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Gerard shrugged at the boy, who had just questioned something that seemed obvious for him.

"I mean... Its just blood, right? Just ignore where did it came from and shove it inside your backpack" He shrugged again, because it was so fucking easy on his eyes.

Frank was incredulous but this man had helped him a lot, so that meant he knew shit, but this were his favourite panties.

"Yeah, but its not only blood. It has like-" Gerard's expression changed between disgust and curiosity and Frank wanted to slap himself. Or Gerard, it didn't mattered because his life was so surreal right now.

"Keep on, what does it have?" Gerard was maybe too curious for his own good and Frank was maybe too good and graphical describing menstruations' texture.

He cleared his throat, because now he was going to make a huge, graphical speech while washing his favourite panties.

"It's not only blood, it has like... Dark, sticky goo. That shit is nasty, you know?" He pulled a disgusted face, putting more of that glorious liquid soap on his hand. "Because vaginas don't just bleed, they have their reasons. There's this cool thing that fucking rips off of your uterus' walls every month-"

He was interrupted by an horrified gasp.

"Oh god Frank, that's so metal!! " Frank did indeed thought menstruations were metal, and he wanted to keep explaining why but Gerard looked paler than usual. Maybe he was fucking disgusted or maybe he was a vampire.

Maybe that's why he cares so much about menstruations.

"Gerard. Are you... A vampire?" Frank mentally facepalmed himself. He pictured something half-arousing half-preoccupying: a vampire licking him out when he's on his period.

Maybe they're getting high of cleaning products fumes.

Gerard smirked, extremely confused and nodded, because what the hell? Vampires are hella rad.

Frank then pictured another arousing and preoccupying mental image but then it got crashed when he realized Gerard was joking.

"Of course I'm not...!" He chuckled. "I'm curious just because I don't have a vagina." Point taken. Frank sighed in relief.

He was still cleaning his panties, now at least they looked pinkish and the little kittens were visible and not choking on period blood.

He thought Gerard was pretty cool even if he wasn't a vampire, he didn't questioned a thing. He was okay with a trans boy wearing hello kitty panties and bleeding his ovaries out.

In fact, he was smiling and watching Frank like if this happened every fucking day. So maybe Gerard was worth being his friend, if he buys me food in the cafeteria, Frank thought.

And Frank's stomach said that aloud, and it sounded like if Frank had eaten small lions and now they were protesting.

Gerard noticed the other boy's starving lions and chuckled. "We can go to the cafeteria on the break?"

Frank nodded enthusiastically while he used the hand drier to dry panties. He wasn't getting the result he wanted and the room smelled like period blood, but there's no way he was shoving wet, bloody panties inside his backpack.

Gerard checked the time, maybe he had already skipped sports but they were just finishing the second period.

"I should go to next class though. I'll meet you in the break? Just stay in your class and I'll find you." Gerard sounded like a creep, or much worse. A fuckboy.

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