Chapter 5

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When Tobin wakes up the next morning Alex is cuddled up to her and the blankets are over them.

She smiles softly at the girl in her bed.

"God I love you Alex Morgan" the hazel eyed girl whispers as she kisses her forehead softly.

Carefully, Tobin slides out of bed and gets in the shower. When she comes out wrapped in just a towel to get dressed she feels Alex's eyes on her and smirks.

"Like what you see?" The midfielder smirks as she pulls on spandex and a sports bra, turning to face the crystal eyed girl that's wrapped in sheets.

Alex nods "very much."

Tobin chuckles "Come on get dressed so we can head down to team breakfast"

Once the two make it to team breakfast Ashlyn smirks.

"So Tobes, who's the lucky girl?" The blonde asks from across the table.

"What do you mean?" The midfielder asks confused.

"There's a hickey on your neck" Ali answers.

Tobin and Alex both pale slightly.

"Oh uh that's from a couple days ago" Tobin lies.

"You didn't have it yesterday at the airport" Kelley points out.

"Yeah. So who is the lucky girl, Tobin?" Christen flashes a fake smile at the hazel eyed girl.

"Uh-" before Tobin can answer Ali gasps.

"Oh my god Alex has one too!" The defender smirks.

"Holy shit you two fucked didn't you?" Kling laughs.

Christen tenses quickly leaving the dining area.

"J.J. go check on her" Kelley tells the blonde.

"You guys can't tell anyone" Alex says worriedly.

"Don't worry your dirty little secret is safe with us" Ashlyn smirks at the two.


"Christen, wait up" Julie calls out as she jogs to catch up with the girl in the hotel hallway.

"What, Julie?" Christen snaps turning to face her.

"Why did you leave like that?" The blonde asks.

"Lost my appetite." The forward answers.

Julie sighs knowing she won't get a legitimate answer out of the forward.

"Do you want to take your mind off of whatever it is?" The blonde asks taking her crushes hand in hers.

Christen only nods and the two disappear into J.J.'s room.


After the public practice Tobin and Alex are signing autographs and taking pictures with fans.

After a while Tobin is walking toward the locker room when she sees a girl that's probably around sixteen sitting by herself.

The midfielder jogs over "Hey why are you all alone?" She asks.

"Oh uh I don't really have a lot of friends and the ones I do have don't like soccer so yeah" the girl says as she pulls her sleeves down over her palms.

Tobin jumps over the barrier sitting next to the girl.

"Let me see your wrist" the hazel eyed girl says gently.

The teen swallows hard before slowly pulling up her sleeve revealing many scars all over her forearm.

Tobin smiles sadly "You aren't alone" she holds her arm up showing the girl faint scars from her highschool years.

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