Torn apart

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Calypso POV:

Where was Leo?

And more importantly, where was I?

I glanced around only to see pure blue water.

Surprisingly,I was able to breathe.

Was it because of my immortality?

Or was it because of a nasty spell that violent storm goddess put on me?

There were a million questions in my mind that cannot be answered.

If I was at the bottom of the sea, the only thing to do was to swim up.

I didn't know how to swim but I gave it a try.

I moved my legs up and down, gave the water a push with my hands,within seconds, I was rising to the surface.

The duration took long, but it was worth it.

My head broke through the water and took a deep breath.

I didn't realise how much pain I was in when I was in the water.

Paddling with my hands, I found a piece of wood floating and clung onto it instantly.

How was I going to survive?

And Leo.

If only he was here.

I miss him.

Leo POV:

I could taste sand.


I sat up and coughed up some sand.

Where was I?

I stared at my surroundings.

It was Long Island!

I was safe!


I forgot something, didn't I?





I screamed in frustration.

Silent tears rolled down my face.

I have to stay strong.

For calypso.

I sprinted to camp half blood as fast as my legs would allow.

I found the camp.

Walking through the familiar campsite brings me many memories.

I smiled.

Other campers looked at me strangely.

Well, it's not everyday you see a revived guy walking around.

My first goal was to find Chiron.

He wasn't there.

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