Chapter 3: I Of The Storm

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And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
But even closer to you, you seem so very far

James lasted two minutes in Dumbledore's office before his eyes drooped and slowly tipped towards the land of the unconscious once more. Remarkable as the occasion was, Dumbledore had no intention of letting James die –not again- at all. Harry would never forgive him.

Professor McGonagall received the shock of her life when she answered the call to the headmaster in the hospital wing to find her dead favourite pupil very much alive and being treated to by Madam Pomfrey who had never looked so pale.

"What is the meaning of this, Albus?" she whispered in a faint voice, eyes never leaving that face, that face, so thin and gaunt. "How is this possible?"

"The answer to that, my dear, is not within my possession. I'm afraid only Mr Potter can answer our questions."

"But Albus- it's been fourteen years," Minerva stressed. "If ever, why now? This goes against the very basic understanding of our universe."

"Then there is something we've terribly misunderstood," answered the old man softly, his gaze fixed on the man lying on the hospital wing half-conscious as Madam Pomfrey diagnosed him.

"Is this really him, Albus?" came the choked question from the matron.

"I believe so."

"Potter won't believe himself," McGonagall's lips shakily drew back into a quivering smile of disbelief. "The poor boy- how will you tell him? And Black-Lupin! This changes everything, doesn't it, Albus?"

"Indeed it does," replied Dumbledore carefully. "We need to take our next footsteps wisely. Poppy are you able to treat him?"

"It's nothing serious," replied the matron in a soft disbelieving voice, laying a hand over James' forehead. "Dehydration, lack of nourishment, but much better than what you'd expect from a dead man! Oh my! I cannot believe this, Albus."

"It seems that for the first time in a long while, fate is with us at last."

McGonagall was beaming, clutching James's slim hand in her own- it was cold but warmer than she'd expect. Some right to all the wrongs against them at last.

"What do you plan on doing, Albus?" she asked quietly.

"Think long and hard about this," answered the headmaster. "After I've spoken properly to James, of course. We mustn't jump to conclusions, but for now, I believe it best to keep it a secret. No one must know of this- for everyone's sake."

"I don't think anyone would believe this," muttered Madam Pomfrey.

"What about Black and Lupin, Dumbledore?" asked McGonagall, tucking James's hand under the blanket covering his still form.

"There, I think, I have no choice but to break this to them."


Sirius was with Buckbeak when the phoenix Patronus appeared in his room, bearing a message from Dumbledore that made him frown but stay awake all the same, not that sleep was coming to him. He heard the door to the house shut close announcing Remus's arrival, and when he met his friend at the stairs, the werewolf looked just as confused as Sirius felt.

"What's with the old man?" asked Sirius as they both found seating in the kitchen. He poured Remus and himself Firewhiskey while his friend tried to warm the kitchen.

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