Chapter III

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You make me smile, baby

Stay for a while now

Just take your time

Wherever you go

~ Bubbly (Colbie Caillat)

The days at Adelaide’s went by quickly. Damon and I usually worked side by side since we had the same shift; I learned how to do the more fun part of the job, like reviewing books to be on the weekly standout list and trying new pastries for the cafe. I told Damon about my life in Harena, and he told me about living in the Rockies in Vancouver. He was a great mountain climber, which would explain his muscular physique.

“I had a band, called Silver Sunset,” he told me.

“What did you play?” I was curious.

“Usually guitar, but I can also play the keyboard, bass, drums, and sing sometimes.” He smiled at the memory. “Whenever anyone was gone, I would sub for them, so I was pretty much an all-around guy.”

Wow. That was brilliant.

“You’re kind of amazing then,” I said with awe.

He blushed again. “I’m alright, but thanks for saying that.”

He stocked some magazines on the wall.

“It must’ve been hard for you to leave, I suppose.”

He let out a quick breath; a quick gust of air. “Yeah, but moving here wasn’t bad. I’m going to school here soon, and besides, my family needed a change.”

He nodded with finality, and it was the end of that it seemed.

“How did your siblings take it?”

“Well my sister’s a traveler, so she took it great. She was itching to live in such a beautiful setting.” He looked at me and smiled.

If my face were any hotter, my head would’ve exploded on the spot. His eyes glinted with mischief; he really seemed to enjoy this.

“Um, how old are your other siblings?”

“My little brother’s 14, I have a 9-year-old sister, a 5-year-old sister and a baby sister. I’m the younger of the twins by the way.”

“Whoa that’s a lot. So you’re a family guy?” I asked.

He gave me an impish grin and nodded. “The only reason that I’m able to work is because my mom stays at home. My dad works at the bank.”

“How’s it like having a little brother and three younger sisters?” I supposed Nate didn’t react.

I like it, which can’t be said by a lot of other people. It gives you a sense of responsibility and protectiveness, like there’s someone else worth living for, if not for yourself.”

I responded, “But living for yourself is important, isn’t it?”

He smiled. “Of course.”

That got me thinking. I knew living for myself was important, but I also knew that I didn’t really, truly believe it. I was too affected by what others thought of me – it was really the only thing stopping me from singing in front of others.

I cleared my throat. “How are the lessons going?”

“They’re great. Leo’s a good coach. But . . .” He leaned in close to me. “I’m kinda embarrassed to say it out loud, but I’m still a bit scared of going underwater. I feel like I can’t breathe at all; like I’m about to have a panic attack.”

Remember When...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora