Chapter 21~ Epilogue

Start from the beginning

The rest of the ceremony goes by so quickly and when I have that ring on her finger I don't wait to be told I may kiss my wife, I grab her around the waist and kiss her like my life depends on it. She kisses me back with the same need but pulls away to soon with a blush on her face "Too many people watchin' Blue..." I kiss her again smiling, "You're my wife now... No more being apart.... You look so beautiful in this dress..." I whisper to her as I lean my forehead on hers, all the cheers and claps somewhere in the distance, she gives me a slight blush and grins "Wait till you see me out of it Blue."



I smile as I watch her wake slowly, thanking God that this is the first time of many times that I'll have the honour of holding her, watching her, feeling her breathe, making love- "Good morning Mr Matthews" she whisper and my body starts burning "Good morning Mrs Matthews. Fuck I love saying that." I grin at her and she blushes as she looks down to our tangled bodies, our first time making love last night evident in her thoughts. I smile at the thought, we waited, I waited 5 years but it was all worth it.

"I can't believe we got married a day ago... Five years of freaking out, road trips, bikes, horses, crazy family... normal family, fights, making out" she blushes "stopped making out just to start again AND-" I cut her off with a deep kiss "I can't wait for the rest of our lives together Cocoa" I whisper as I pull her closer, pulling my fingers through her hair.

"I'm your wife Blue..." she giggles and I nod kissing her softly on the lips "I fucking love you saying that Cocoa. Casey Matthews you are my wife." I grin at her. She surprises me climbing on top of me, looking at me with so much desire, for her first time she's.... perfect. She's always perfect.

"Well husband of mine... I have a proposal of my own. Round two?" she grins and I give a raspy chuckle, and some r rated scenes as reply.


(2 years later)

"Say hi to Momma baby girl..." Casey waves to our Alexis with a big smile, she hasn't realised I'm home and I smile as she starts to jump around with the video camera, almost dancing "Hi beautiful baby girl... Say to everyone watchin' this I just sat up all by myself for the first time! Yes you did baby" I give a big grin at the picture in front of me, Case hoping around and our baby girl looking up at her Mom with a big toothless smile on her face. She's going to be an exact replica of her Mom, except for the eyes I smile to myself, she has my eyes.

I walk in slowly and a sense of pride fills my lungs as Alexis smiles brightly at me past her Mom, "Look at that smile you little beauty-" Casey stops talking as my arms slip around her waist and I kiss her behind her ear "She looks like her mommy" I whisper and she shuts the camera off. "Well now those blue eyes is a proper statement of her Daddy ya know" she turns in my arms and gives me a soft kiss "Hi Blue" she whispers "Hey Cocoa" I whisper back.

Our small moment is taunted by a small gurgling giggle from behind us and we turn to look at our baby, there stands Mason, our one year old basset hound, wiggling his tail as Alexis poke her finger into his nose, I chuckle "It's always Mason's nose to get her to giggle", Case on the other hand was super mom the second we had Alexis and thus "Oh Sweety no, ladies don't go puttin' their finger in any noses" she picks up Alexis and kiss her on the cheek. This is another one of moment I feel like the luckiest man alive. I walk closer to them and hold them both in my arms "I love you so much, both of you" I whisper as I kiss Casey on the forehead and Alexis pokes her finger in my ear.

AHHHHH!!!! THE STORY IS FINISHED!!!!!!! My goodness I teared up as I wrote this. The video I put up with this chapter is a song I love and I think it fits the chapter and Casey well, it's Rae Lynn God made girls! I hope you all are happy with this! I wanted to make it romantic, sexy, flirty, fun and beautiful all in one. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the votes and reads, never in my life did I think it'll reach the reads and votes it did. A special thanks to

@ belindahoran





These people voted on every chapter, commented and messaged me. You guys thank you!! You are the reason I kept going AND you are also the reason I started another story!!* 

Now on to MY NEW STORY!!!! 

She's a Darkhorse is now available on my profile!  It's nothing like this story, and it has no link to this one BUT I think you'll love it!**Just because I like you soooo much here is the description: 

~~Blake Moore isn't your typical bad boy, his past has made him into him someone he's not but he's secretly hoping that he'll find the girl 'destined to change his bad ways' in his grandmother's small town, just like his mother always told him. When he comes across Alexia Torres he thought he found his destiny, the good girl of the town is beautiful, smart and perfect. Thing is his destiny wasn't planned as his mother so often promised him, Alexia Torres is more than meets the eye, the good girl that should've saved him has a secret, she's not so good at all...~~

The prologue is up and running already, I'll be posting chapter one in the next few days, I still have 3 tests to survive!!! Please go and give it a read and let me know what you think. 

Happy reading!


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now