Prussia x Reader - Unpredictable

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This is a story written by my fabulous friend Sabrina, who gave me permission to adapt it into a reader insert. When I read the story, it wasn't finished, so I'm writing the ending. I know you'll love it. And if you don't..... Too bad. Also, the story she wrote was a rough draft and wasn't too fat, so I took the liberty of feeding it some events and dialogue. If you really like it and want more, I'll consider asking her about it. Remember, I don't own the plot or idea, or you, or the Hetalia characters, but I do own the rendition.

(Side note: I'm thinking about breaking it up into self sufficient chapters. Meaning, there's no cliffhangers)


'Dear Journal,

His smile. That's what got me hooked. Not the egotistical smile he gives (Insert Popular Snotty Girl name here) but the real, genuine one he so rarely has. I've only seen it once, but it lit up the entire room, even through the fog of Mrs. (Teacher name)'s lecture about Polynomials. Of course his hair and eyes stand out too, he's albino, but his smile.....'

(Name) sighed in content and embarrassment; she was writing about her long time crush, Gilbert Beilschmidt. Although he was unpredictable, loud, and had an ego the size of a black hole, (Name) was head over heels for him. None of her friends knew, not even her closest of counterparts, or at least she thought they didn't know.


(Name) jumped as her phone vibrated from underneath her. Digging to find her phone she sighed, who could be texting her now? At 10:00 at night, really?

She read the text, it was from her sarcastic, lax, best friend, Laurie, who constantly complained about the outdatedness of her name. Laurie had texted her, "Hi."

Mentally screaming, (Name) mentally punched Laurie in the face, while destroying half of the planet... Mentally. If her parents woke up because of that text, she would be dead meat. This happened often because Laurie had a horrible sense of timing, and her phone was REALLY loud.

(Name) decided to ignore the text and sleep, though it didn't come easy. Her mind was still on Gilbert. How dare that amazing, German, crush of hers invade her mind and deny her sleep! How dare he!!!! (Name) was so playfully infuriated with him, she didn't notice herself gradually falling asleep.

~( time-skip brought to you by Gilbird)~

Beams of sunlight filtered through (Name)'s window, trickling into her eyes, gradually waking her. Her (e/c) orbs fluttered open ad were surprised to meet ruby red ones! There, sitting on the edge of her bed, staring right at her, was Gilbert! (Name) was too surprised to speak so he spoke for her ,


(Name) stared at him in utter confusion, blackness starting to overtake her.


(Name) sat up faster than the race to get to the cafeteria at lunch time. Looking around, she realized that her crush had not actually been there, it was just a dream. Groaning, she stood up and for ready for school; today was the mystery field trip to the Hannover Theater, no one knew the purpose of it, but even a field trip that was likely to be super boring was a welcome break from her daily schedule.

~(another time skip brought to you by flying mint bunny, follow him!)~

Boarding the bus, (Name) searched for Laurie and Ally, eventually finding them towards the back of the yellow school bus. Taking her seat across the aisle from them as the students around them murmured in excitement while the teachers tried to call roll over the din.

(Name) took note of the albino, that sat directly in front of her, also taking note of her heart doing gymnastics in her chest. Hoping and praying Laurie and Ally didn't notice her ever reddening face, she turned to the window. It wasn't long before they bus pulled out of the school's loop of a parking lot. (Name) let her curiosity about the field trip guide her mind as trees and houses rolled past her line of view.

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