Jason smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his deep sea blue eyes. "It's nice to know I can still make you nervous, Ms. Jones" he replied reflectively. At least that much hadn't changed, he thought. He still had the power to unnerve her and he would use that to his advantage. "And that's a matter of opinion, I would say," he continued. "We have unfinished business, you and I. You said everything there was to say back then, not me. I wasn't given a choice, remember? I just want to know one thing," he paused, "just how much money did my father give you to walk away from me?" he asked callously.

Arianna sprang up from her seat. Her face was hot with rage. She walked around her desk and stood of few inches away from Jason. "Oh is that what he told you? That he paid the little black gold digger to leave his precious, prodigal son alone?" she snipped. "You know what Jason?" she asked bitterly. "Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. If you think I took money from your father then that's right. I used you. I'm everything your father said I am. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Arianna cried.

Jason eyed her with icy contempt. "You pretended to love me and offered yourself to me for money and you feel as if you are the injured party?" he asked coldly. "As it happens Ms. Jones, Jackson, my father and your esteemed benefactor, is ill. I am back in North Carolina on an indefinite basis. My mother sent for me. His prognosis is not good and, apparently she needs me. I only sought you out to satisfy a mild curiosity, to see if you could be honest for once and admit that all you were ever after was money," he said derisively. His eyes slashed into her as he continued, "I came by the pastry shop the day after you sent me away and saw you with your new boy toy" he waved his hand in the air as if he were swatting away an invisible fly. "I left without coming inside. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew then that my father had told me the truth about you. There are words for women like you, Ms. Jones," Jason said scathingly before he turned to walk out the office. As he reached the door something caught his attention and he stopped. A picture hanging on the wall stopped him dead in his tracks. The picture must be several years old since Arianna's hair was still like she used to wear it when they were together. It was a picture of Arianna with a beautiful light-skinned little girl with blue eyes. Eyes just like his. And Arianna's smile. Arianna's daughter. And then it hit him. My daughter. No wonder she looked so terrified when he walked in the room. She didn't want him to find out her secret. It was all beginning to make sense.

He dropped his head and asked quietly, "Why?" He turned to face her then with barely controlled rage and unmasked hatred in his eyes. It was more than a question, it was an accusation.

Arianna could not speak. Her throat was dry and she couldn't catch her breath. She could feel her lips moving but no sound would come out. All of a sudden she was clouded in a whirlpool of darkness.


Arianna was awaked by the murmur of a deep voice. The sound was low, as in a whisper, and she could not make out what was being said. Whoever it was must have noticed her stir then because the whispering voice hushed. Arianna opened her eyes to find herself at home in the living room on her couch.

"Oh my goodness, what a dream," she said. "Brianna, honey where are you?" she called out. How did I get home she wondered? What happened? Why had she dreamed Jason came to her office today? As she sat up on the side of the couch, all her questions were answered when she saw Jason sitting on the brown leather ottoman opposite her, talking to someone on his cell phone.

Jason closed his phone quickly and slid it into his trouser pocket. "No dream Arianna. We were at your office and you passed out. Tracy helped me get you home," Jason said. He eyed her with cautious concern. "How are you feeling? You gave your young assistant quite a scare. She had to cancel all the rest of your appointments for that day," he advised.

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