Chapter 2

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After that night, Arianna and Jason started to see each almost every day. When they were both done with classes, she was not at work, or he didn't have lacrosse practice, Arianna spent nearly every waking moment with Jason. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, Jason spent the holidays with her at her parents' home. Arianna's parents didn't react the way she expected when she brought Jason home for the first time. If they were shocked, they didn't say anything to Arianna, and they always made Jason feel welcome and part of the family when he was in their home. She had never brought anyone other than a Black boy home before, so she was scared and nervous of their reaction. Her parents grew up in an era where the races didn't mix, especially not in the "Deep South" in states such as North Carolina, but they had never taught that same poison and prejudice to their children. Katie and Richard Jones raised their three children to love everyone regardless of the race or any other differences they might possess. Arianna didn't know how Jason's parents would react to meeting her. She thought it odd that Jason didn't want to spend the holidays with his own family, but she never voiced her thoughts to Jason. With all the things that they talked about, Jason had never talked about his family much, only Michael, and Arianna never really asked. In fact, Jason never really shared much of anything about his personal life with her. For all she knew he could have another girlfriend somewhere. But she didn't care. For the entire six months they were together, Arianna hardly saw her friends or family because all she wanted to do was be with Jason.

It was one night in December, a little over a month into their relationship that Arianna decided to finally invite Jason back up to her apartment. She had a very special evening planned for the two of them. This would be the first time that he had ever really been inside her apartment. Jason knew where she lived because he had been there several times to pick her up or drop her off, but never insisted on coming any further than her apartment door. Arianna wasn't in the habit of having casual sex, nor was she in the habit of inviting guys back up to her apartment. She and Jason had planned to go to the movies to see A Time to Kill, and then they would have a quiet dinner. After dinner she would suggest they go back to her apartment for some alone time. Arianna had decided that tonight was the night that she and Jason would make love for the first time.

The first time she kissed Jason she knew that she wanted to make love with him. She had wanted to almost since that first night, but knew that it was way too soon and that they didn't know each other well enough. Not to mention the fact that she had only once ever been with a guy like that before. It was prom night, her senior year in high school, and it was the most awful experience she ever had. But her make out sessions with Jason were becoming so much more bold and passionate, that she could no longer deny her body what it wanted and craved so badly.

Because of the low self-esteem that always plagued her about her weight, Arianna had always taken care to make sure she looked her very best every time she went out. Even more so after she started dating Jason. So that night she kept her makeup simple with light powder foundation, shiny kissable cherry flavored lip gloss on her luscious lips, and onyx colored eye shadow on her brown, almond shaped eyes. Her hair, usually held back in a ponytail, hung long and loose at her shoulders. She always kept her hair long because she felt that it gave her face and neck an slimming effect and she would take all the help she could get in that department. To highlight her generous curves, she decided on wearing a blue denim mini skirt with black tights, and a black sweater with black ankle high boots. Since she got off work an hour before the movie started, she told Jason to pick her up at the pastry shop and they could go to the movie from there. The movie theater was only a block away and it was more convenient.

After the movie, they ate dinner at a near-by Chinese restaurant. At dinner, Arianna could hardly sit through the meal. She was so anxious and nervous because she had decided tonight would be the night they would make love for the first time that she was irritable and edgy all through the meal.

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