Naruto's shoulders drooped. "Oh.. What about you, Kish!?" A new spark in his eyes. "Eh. I don't know, I just got back and you know.." I trailed off, not meeting the sad face of Naruto. "In that case I can give you a hand Naruto!" I turned with wide eyes, knowing that voice in a heart beat. "No way! Choji!?" I yelled at the remarkably different looking Choji. His hair spiked out down his back, armor with his clan's symbol in the middle, different head band as well, but he, of course, carried a bag of chips in his right hand. 

"Kisha! Naruto! I haven't seen you two in forever!" Choji joked. He's changed in a good way too, seems more confident. "Choji, don't you have a mission with Asuma-Sensei and Ino?" Shikmaru asked, propping up an eyebrow. Choji shrugged. "I do, but I can't just ignore Naruto's request. I'll talk to Asuma-Sensei about it!" 

Guilt swirled around in me seeing Choji's kind actions. "Ah, I guess I could look into it if Choji can't go... Maybe." Naruto thumbed us both up. "YES! THANKS YOU TWO!" Choji started munching on chips when Naruto snickered. "Still a fatass I see." Shikamaru's eyes and my own widen, Choji suddenly glared. I dodged to the side and Shikamaru tackled Naruto out of the way as Choji ran ahead, punching an unknown enemy. It looked like it had been a lion, however, Choji's punch made the enemy splash into... Ink? 

Naruto got up and Shikamaru stayed crouched, his eyes darting around for the enemy. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" Naruto yelled when another one ran at us. I took the liberty of kicking it away, but my kick only made it splash in to ink like before. "Weird.. They're made of ink.." I said, touching the black ink that had splattered onto my once light blue skirt. Shikamaru pointed. "Look. Over there." Everyone followed Shikamaru's hand to see a guy sitting on a roof top. He wore a Konoha headband as well... "He's wearing a Konoha headband." I said, voicing my thoughts. "Yeah, but I've never seen him before." Naruto said squinting his eyes to see him.

Shikamaru formed his shadow technique hand sign. "I have no idea who he is, but it's obvious he needs to be captured and questioned. Naruto, you go and I'll cover you!" Several more ink lions ran at us. Naruto nodded. "Okay!" "I'll help too!" I yelled dodging past the lions which then Shikamaru took out with his shadow technique. "That's something I've never seen before.." I mumbled in awe. The shadow actually broke apart from the ground and stabbed the lions.

Naruto and I continued to where the guy was, his face emotionless. Naruto tried stabbing him with a kunai but he blocked it with a scroll. I went to his side and tried sweeping his feet out but he jumped back avoiding us both. "Hm. You're fairly weak, what do you have inbetween your legs?" He questioned Naruto with a smile. Naruto growled, "WHO ARE YOU!?" The guy smiled with closed eyes. "We'll see each other soon Naruto!" He jumped off some where else. Naruto and I stared at each other before hopping off the roof down back to Choji and Shikamaru. We were about to speak when a loud voice yelled, "THERE YOU ARE CHOJI!!"

 I turned to see Ino looking quite... Womanly. Let's just say her clothes revealed very nice curves she's developed and that's that. "Asuma-Sensei's angry that you still haven't shown up for our mission!" Ino glared at him, hands on her hips till her eyes met Naruto's and my own. "Huh? HEY! KISHA! IT'S BEEN A WHILE!" She yelled running over to me, giving me forceful hug. I sweat dropped at her sudden change in mood, but regardless I hugged her back. "Yeah, it has been." I let out a chuckle with my sentence. "I'm here too, you know?" Naruto said making Ino let me go. 

Ino stared at him for a second before going back to me. "YOU'VE CHANGED SO MUCH! YOU'RE WEARING A SKIRT AND EVEN THOUGH THAT'S A HOODIE, IT STILL SHOWS OFF YOUR-" "INO YOU SHOULDN'T NEGLECT NARUTO!" I yelled, interrupting her and facing her towards him.

"Oh yeah, him." She examined the pouting Naruto to reach one conclusion. "Hey. Since when did you get so tall?" Naruto suddenly grinned. "Heheh, I just did is all. I didn't even notice till Sakura pointed it out the day I got back." Ino rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Come on Choji, we're going to be late." Ino grabbed Choji's arm and led him else where. I looked back to Shikamaru and then Naruto. "Well this was nice and all, but Naruto shouldn't you go back to looking fo-" "KISHHH! YOU SAID YOU'D HELP!" He whined, even louder than Ino was a few seconds ago.

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