The Living One Book 2 Retracing Steps (Chapter 3)

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It didn't take me too long to get the third chapter out. I was a little nervous though. I wasn't quite sure if people even like my first 2 chapters but nevertheless, i'm posting chapter 3. Please tell me if you like it or have any questions about the story. Thanks, enjoy.


Chapter 3

~ Ethan's Secret Room ~


          When I climbed inside I was surprised at how much room there was. I thought for sure that I was going to find the bottom by now, but I just kept going down. When I finally reached the bottom my head was a foot from the top of the coffin, and I was standing up. I looked around to find Ethan who was holding a lit candle behind me.


"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is my room," Ethan said laughing a little.

"So you have like a secret coffin chamber?" I asked.

"Kinda, here walk with me this way," he grabbed my hand again, and I followed him down a tunnel and continued going down.

"What do you mean kinda?" I said as we continued going down.

"I mean just follow me," he said pulling me down the tunnel until we reached a door. "Well here we are."

"Where ARE we exactly?" I asked

"My room," he said pulling out a key. The key was on a long chain and he kept it hidden under his shirt.

"So you don't just sleep in a coffin? You have like a tunnel system underneath, and it that takes you to a secret place?" I asked.

"Yup, pretty much," he said unlocking the door still laughing at me under his breath.

          This reminded me of something, but I couldn't remember what, I mean I knew I had a secret place of some sort, I remember it from a dream, but is it a real place? Does it truly exist? I wish I had my memory back. Now would be one of the best times to have it. I would understand so much more. I might know who this Ethan person is. And more importantly, what he is to me.

"Well, I hope your ready," Ethan said snapping me back to reality.

"I'm not sure I can say I'm crazy about going in, but I am curious to see it," I said, and Ethan just laughed and opened the door.


          I didn't see much at first. What caught me was the music playing in the back round. It sounded familiar. I could make out some of the words. "Can you find me, in the midst of a crowd, and do you dream of me when the lights go down," I felt like I had heard it time and time again. Something I had heard at a school dance or something. I looked at Ethan who quickly apologized and ran over to his radio and turned it off. His room was pretty big. Lit entirely by candles too. The walls were either black or a deep shade of blue, I couldn't quite tell, but I was drawn to the color. It made the room feel like it extended on forever. There was a desk near the door with a chair to go with it. Everything was darkly colored and there were posters on the walls every where. I felt right at home. I looked around the room. I was surprised to see that there was a bed in the corner. A bed, not a coffin. I looked at Ethan.


"A bed?" I said.

"Yeah a bed, what did you expect?" Ethan replied.

"Well you're a vampire right?" I asked, and Ethan nodded. "Then shouldn't you sleep in a coffin?"

Ethan laughed, "Yes, but beds are more comfortable so I put a bed inside a coffin."

I was slightly confused but I let it go. I was beginning to get used to that feeling of not knowing, and I just started laughing. I was pleasntly surprised at his creativity.

Ethan looked at me like I had gone mental. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"You know what, I am tired now. Where do I sleep?" I asked.

Ethan just looked at me and smiled. Then he pointed to his bed, "There."

I looked at him. The look on my face most likely expressing exactly what I was thinking.

"I'm not going to do anything, I swear. I have to go up to the surface and tell people you have arrived anyway." He points to a door near the door we walked in from, "the bathroom is in there," then he went to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and tossed it to me, "And you can wear that if you like. I figure it would be better than all the mud."

"I caught the shirt he tossed me and held it out. It looked almost like a dress would on me. "Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Ethan replied walking out the door we came in from. He turned back to me and said, "Sleep well," as he shut the door.


          I looked around his room again. I felt right at home, even if I didn't remember it, I felt like I belonged here. I walked into the bathroom. The walls were black and the door opens right into the sink not hitting it but it was a tight fit. To the right of the door was a black wall and to the left was a toilet and a shower with glass doors. I was surprised to see a piece of a mirror hanging over the sink, it was rugged on the edges like it had been broken off from something. I looked in it and to my surprise I saw my reflection. I was pale and my long hair was a complete mess. I brushed my hair out with my hands and then shut the door behind me. I slipped off my clothes and put on the shirt Ethan had given me. It was huge on me. The long sleeves went past my hands and the bottom of the shirt almost met my knees. I was surprised it was Ethan's shirt, considering he didn't seem this much bigger than myself. He was taller than me, no doubt, but he was not this big. I didn't let it bother me though.


          I left my clothes on the floor and opened the door walking back into Ethan's room. To my surprise all the candles had been blown out. I couldn't see anything, all I had was the light from the bathroom, which was candle light as well. I didn't have any matches or anything to light the candles with. I kept thinking to myself how much I wanted the candles to light. I walked into Ethan's room blindly even though I couldn't see. I blinked a few times and realized something. I couldn't see where I was going but I KNEW where I was going. I could see, in a matter of speaking, even if the room was pitch black. Just then all the candles lit at once. The room was lit with a bright flame from each individual candle.


"WOAH!" I murmured, "Did I do that?"


          I looked around, but no one was in sight. I was alone, ALL alone, in Ethan's room.  I sighed then walked over to Ethan's bed. I had to admit I was nervous sleeping in a guy's bed, it was then that a huge wave of exhaustion came over me, and my worries and nerves didn't seem as important. I climbed up into his bed and laid there for a moment, then looked over at all the candles that were still lit. If I actually lit the candles my some miracle, shouldn't I be able to blow them out too? I looked at them then I blew lightly from my mouth. Nothing happened, so I sat up. I blew again. Only one closest to the bed blew out. "JUST BLOW OUT ALREADY!" I practically screamed out in frustration. Within fractions of a second the room was dark again. The room was pitch black and I laid back down into Ethan's bed.


          I must have sat there for at least three hours thinking to myself. Did I really blow out all of those candles just by asking them to? Did I also light them just by thinking it? Was I really able to see in the dark or was that just luck? I sat up, "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?" I screamed unable to sleep as the unanswerable questions clouded my mind. The door slammed open and a figure walked into the room. I couldn't see well enough in the dark to see any more than a shadow walking into the room. I pulled Ethan's sheets to my eyes and hid under the covers watching the figure as it slowly walked toward me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2011 ⏰

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