Chapter 2: The Actions of the Girl

Start from the beginning

"C-calm down Natsu" Wendy tried as she held out her hands and signalled him to sit down, but it was no use. It seems like Natsu had enough of waiting.

"It's already noon yet she hasn't arrived, I'm tired of waiting!" as I thought. So predictable Natsu.

"Shut up you dunderhead! Shouting won't make her come here!" Gajeel scolded.

"And who are you calling dunderhead?!?!" Natsu went face to face with Gajeel as they pushed each other by the shoulder.

"Well, the only person that fits that description is you, dunderhead." Gajeel grinned as he teased and tried to show dominancy by pushing Natsu's Shoulder.

"Look whose talking scrap eater!" but Natsu didn't go down without a fight, he pushed back with a remark.

They're senseless fight went on like that. They just teased and glared at each other.

"What's going on there??" Gray suddenly arrives with Erza.

"Oh those two got tired waiting for Aka and decided to fight each other." I explained in simpler terms.

"Those idiots." said Erza as she went their way.


"Be quiet you two! You're making such a racket!" To my surprise, she suddenly crashed Natsu's and Gajeel's head to each other and scolded them. Oh E-Erza, you're still violent as ever.

"Ow Erza! That hurts!" Natsu shouted.

"What gave you the right to do that to us?!?!" added Gajeel.

They did such a big mistake.

"You dare to talk back?!?!" Erza suddenly emitted a scary dark aura that made her hair fly in a horrific kind of fashion. She probably looked like a demon. Poor Natsu and Gajeel.

"Now that's enough Erza." Luckily Mirajane was there to stop them, or else another big fight would spark up and all the members of the guild would join in. Mira looked both at Gajeel and Natsu and said "If you really want to see Aka that badly, you could go visit her at her home."

"Really?" Mira got all our attention.

"Of course! But I have to say, you'll have a hard time finding her." she just smirked and gave us a piece of paper.

Gray, Erza, The three dragon slayers and I ganged up on that piece of paper and read what was written on it. I could feel all our expressions tense up with surprise and we all shouted..




"Where are you Aka?!"

We were at Magnolia's east forest shouting her name over and over again. We actually believed that she lived here.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?!" Natsu blurted at us, Gray, Erza and I, as if we were unwanted.

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