Chapter 2: His Wife

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Carrie scurried to the door as soon as she heard the first gentle knock.

"It's three A.M, Carrie," The man shuffled inside. "Couldn't this have waited until morning?"

"It is morning," Carrie hissed, then swallowed guiltily. "I'm sorry. It's important. He's leaving soon."

"Are you going to kill him?" Max whispered, a gleam in his eye. "If you are, I'll help you."

"What?!" Carrie spluttered. "No! Of course not."

"But you think the Colonel was involved, right?" Max's voice trembled. "He was in on the Embassy attack with Haqqani?"

"No, Max. No... No. Not at all." Carrie rubbed her forehead. "Aasar would never..."

"First name..." Max simmered. "You're on first name terms with them?"

"That's enough Max!" Carrie snapped at him, "Aasar might be able to help us get justice for Fara."

Max was silent. Momentarily paralysed by her loss that he still felt so acutely.

"Please Max..." Carrie squeezed his shoulder. "Find out where Aasar's staying and drive me there."

"Can't you drive yourself?" Max grumbled.

"I had a few drinks last night... you better drive." Carrie grimaced as she recalled slamming the door of Aasar's SUV and stomping through her front door without looking back. She had half expected him to follow her. Half hoped, but the SUV had sped away.

"Okay..." Max sighed as he unfolded his laptop. "Give me a few minutes... Where's little Franny? Is she okay?"

"Sleepover at Maggie's," Carrie smiled. "She's doing great." She'd noticed that Max always asked about Franny, but he never mentioned Quinn.


An hour later

"You're certain there's no security guards?" Carrie checked Max's information again. "Nothing outside his room?"

"Nope," Max shrugged. "As far as the hotel is concerned, he's just a regular guest. He's using a British passport."

"This should be easy then," Carrie grinned hopefully. "I'll walk straight in."

"Do you want me to wait in the parking lot for you?" Max clutched the steering wheel.

"No, I'll be fine," Carrie bit her lip, a flutter of anticipation as she glanced at the hotel entrance. "Thanks Max. Go home. Get some sleep."

"I could come in with you," Max gestured. "Talk to him about Fara and..."

"Max, I can handle it," Carrie tried to maintain her patience. "I'll call you later."


Within minutes Carrie was at the front desk collecting a key for Aasar's hotel room. All thanks to Max hacking into their booking system and making a few significant changes. She glimpsed her reflection in the mirrored wall. Perfect. A glamorous, if slightly dishevelled partygoer arriving back in the early hours.

"There you go, Mrs Khan," the blonde Receptionist oozed politeness and discretion as he checked the system. "If you find the misplaced keycard, just hand it in here."

"Thanks for your help... Sven," Carrie smiled, leaning forward to read his badge and display a hint of cleavage within her little black dress. "Can you remind me..."

"Breakfast is served between seven and nine thirty." Sven's cheeks turned pink. "In the main restaurant."

"Thank you so much," Carrie stepped away, relieved to spot the sign for the elevator. Sven hadn't provided directions to Aasar's room like she'd hoped, but she'd figure it out herself. She wondered if she'd still be there for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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