Chapter 22

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By the time George was at his uncle's house, he just walked in as a couple of Jack's minions suddenly grabbed him as his uncle suddenly approached him. "Welcome back nephew. No sister in law? How disappointing." "What did you do to my dad?" He moved out of the way to let his nephew see his father unconscious on the floor as he struggled in the minion's arms. His uncle told them to let him go as he then ran to his father.

He shook him as he tried to wake him up. But he didn't. "He won't wake up until I command him to. He's under my control." "Where are the others?" He didn't say anything for ten seconds until he told him, "take a look around. I'm sure you'll find them."

He gave his uncle a disturbing look as he then ran up the stairs and rushed around the house to find his friend, cousin and protector.

He went into a bedroom that looked like it was for Christian if he would ever live there again and saw him in shackles on the wall. George looked at them and knew they were silver. He quickly, but carefully rummaged around the room in order to find some gloves to free his cousin. When he found some gloves, he released his cousin from the shackles and carefully carried him over his shoulder until he laid him on his bed.

He then moved to the next room. He walked into a big bedroom on the opposite side of his cousin's room. It was pink. It was Claire's room. He walked in to see nobody there, until he walked into the bathroom on the opposite side of the room. He saw James hanging from shackles above the bath. He climbed into the bath and helped to get him down and rested his body in the bath. He climbed out of the bath and checked his friend over. His pulse was weak. He knew his father, new friend and cousin would be fine, but what about his friend and protector?

When he checked the other rooms upstairs, there was no sign of Mike. When he walked downstairs, he knew that his uncle watched his every move. He walked into along a long corridor as he found the kitchen. When he passed a couple of shelves, he saw Mike, hung in shackles. He released him from them as his body fell towards his as he then caught him and laid him on the ground. "I'm here Mike. I found the others. They're safe. I just need to find the potion." "Behind the spices." He heard him whisper as he left to find the potion.

He found it near some herbs and spices as he picked it up, walked back to Mike and asked, "did you bring a-" Mike then revealed a needle to inject Jack in the arm with the potion inside of it. George took it from him as Mike's arm fell to the ground as the silver weakened him. "I'll be back for you. I promise." He nodded as George filled the needle with the potion and hid it from sight. He made a sandwich from one slice of bread with cheese in to make his uncle believe he was hungry.

When he was at the entrance of the house, he saw his uncle and looked as though he was waiting for him as he sat beside his unconscious brother. "Where were you?" "The kitchen. I was hungry. Hope you don't mind." "Why not? My nephew, your food too."  He nodded as he walked over to him to check on his father. His uncle didn't attempt to attack him... yet.

He finished his sandwich as he then tried to sense his father's pulse. It was weak. "You've got me right where you want me. Please let my dad go." His uncle gripped his arms around George's chest as he commanded his brother to wake up. "What... What happened?" he asked as he opened his eyes. He saw his son in his brother's arms. "Let him go Jack!" "I just need Mike's blood and you can have him back." He bolted up as his brother backed off.

"Give him back to me!" George's uncle took the needle from his pocket and took his blood. When his blood was taken, he rolled his eyes as if he fainted as his uncle then pushed him to the floor. His father stood up, ran to him and joined him on the ground. "George... wake up." He shook him and tried again. "Please wake up." He didn't respond. "Jack, help me." His brother walked off as he tried to wake his son up.

"Come on. Fight it son. You can do it." He didn't reply. He was motionless. "He only took your blood." He then remembered, "You're squeamish, I forgot." He then saw his son slowly open his eyes. "Dad?" "I'm here. You fainted." "Did he... did he take my..." He knew his son would be weak for a little while. He tried to stand up as his father held him for support. Then when he was standing, he collapsed back to the floor. "Whoa. Are you alright?" He nodded as his father sat next to him, lifted him up and placed him on his lap as his son's head rested on his chest.

"I promise. I won't let him kill you." He realised that his brother needed Mike's blood. He suddenly heard a crash. He tried to sense what it was and he saw that his friend, nephew and Mike were with his brother. His friend and nephew protected Mike as his blood was needed. He carefully lifted his son off of his lap, placed him back on the floor and told him he'd be back for him. He then walked to the stairs to see Mike mumbling on the floor. It was too late. His blood had been taken.

George stumbled to the stairs as he saw Mike on the floor. "Mike. I'm so sorry." He heard him mumble as he knew he was getting worse. Another fever threatened to take over. "He's gone for now. Get George to the chair in the living room and I'll get Mike onto the sofa." They nodded as they approached his son and helped him. "We've got you cousin. We've got you." He suddenly lost consciousness as Christian carried him in his arms, walked into the living room and sat him in the chair to recover.

'You're weak George. Don't fight. It will only make you worse. I know your uncle will be good. Mike's blood may have been taken, but you can make him good on your own if you let the other's distract him. I'm not telling you to do it. I'm suggesting an idea. I don't want to lose you and I don't want you to lose the one's you love and care about.'

He listened carefully to the words his wolf told him. ' I don't want to lose you and I don't want you to lose the one's you care about.' He reopened his eyes as his cousin watched him carefully. " Welcome back. Your dad is looking for your uncle." He sat up too quickly as Christian held him and laid him down. "I'll look for him and you stay here in the chair and keep an eye on Mike." He nodded as he watched his protector with marks from where the silver were on his wrists as they slowly healed.

When George saw that Mike's wrists had healed, stood up as he then walked over to him carefully and asked how he was. He told him he was fine as he suddenly sat up. "Where are the others?" "With my uncle Jack." He nodded as his face then looked confused. "Why did you come? You were supposed to be at Jonathan's like we told you." "My dad. That's why. I knew he was in trouble, so I thought I'd do the right thing if I came to help him."

His father then entered the room with his uncle. His uncle slowly pulled the potion to kill George out of his back pocket as George then drew out the needle with the potion to make his uncle good. They ran to each other and injected one another as George's father rushed to them both to pull his brother away from his son. The needle in his brother's arm was empty. He was going to change. But when George's uncle injected him, the needle ran down his arm, causing him extreme pain.

Mike carefully left the sofa as he walked as he cautiously as he could towards George to help him as his brother, Jonathan, walked into the room. He rushed to George's side and sensed that he was weak, but he didn't know if he would die. He injected him with a solution that would hopefully heal him in no time.

After a few minutes, George had woken up to see that his uncle Jack was still on the ground as his father kept a sharp eye on him. His father's phone suddenly rung. After the call had finished, he told his son and friends that his daughter was ready to be picked up. "I'd better go and pick her up." George stood up as Jonathan helped him. He walked out of the house and saw a woman there. She looked to him as she saw him. She ran over to him as he didn't look well as he suddenly collapsed and checked him over as his father saw them and ran to them.

"I just saw him and then he collapsed and I thought I'd help him." "Thank you?" "Rosie. Who are you?" "Jack, his father. Please stay with him while I get my friends, nephew and brother. I've got to go to the adoption agency. George wanted a sister so we decided to adopt her along with my wife." She nodded as she remained by George's side.

When he returned, he thanked Rosie as she said, "I'd better be going. My dad will be worrying." "Please come with us. If he wakes up, I'm sure he'd like to thank you." She gave up as he picked his son up and walked with the others back to Jonathan's house.

George was placed in his room in Jonathan's house as his mother saw him with the others. He was still weak as Mike didn't know what to think.

The question remains. The werewolf is dead. Or is he?

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ