Chapter 15

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Mike was sick of what was happening to him by falling tired. Jonathan told him, "don't worry about it Mike." "I don't want to let anyone down though. I don't think it's part of the after effect of the operation either." His mother walked over to him and reassured, "you'll be fine Mike. I'm sure it's nothing." He suddenly held his hip where he was stabbed as he began to have sharp pains. "I'll get you back to the hospital." "No mum." His father walked into the room and agreed, "do as you're told Mike. Jonathan and I will go with you with George if he wants to come." George shook his head. Claire offered, "I'll go back to the hospital with you." "Look after them Claire. Good luck Mike."

Hours passed as everyone was in bed and asleep. George shouted as he woke up, "Jonathan!" His father and Christian ran into his room and saw that he had a bad dream. "I had a bad dream. I'll be fine." His father calmly asked, "do you want to talk about it?" George shook his head. "Go back to bed Christian. I'll make sure he gets back to sleep." Christian left as George's father assured, "Jonathan's fine. Mike's still waiting for the operation." The phone in the house suddenly rung. Christian entered the room after four minutes and said, "Mike's just gone in and someone will ring when he's out of surgery." George closed his eyes and tried falling asleep again.

When the morning arrived, George woke up and he wanted to know how Mike was doing. "Dad?" "Hi George. Claire and the others are still at the hospital with Mike. We haven't been given any news yet." The phone rang and George's mother answered it. She walked into George's room and said, "Mike hasn't woken up yet, but the doctor said he would be fine and he shouldn't experience the pain anymore... hold on." When she was told something on the phone, she asked, "is it okay if we came to see him then... Thank you. Bye." She looked at George as he got out of bed and told his parents to give him time to get dressed.

When they got to the hospital, Claire saw George as she said, "over here George." He walked over to her and asked curiously, "is he awake yet?" She shook her head. "Mike?" they heard Jonathan ask. They walked over to him and saw Mike move his head. "I want my parents." "We're here Mike. We haven't left you," his father told him softly as he took his son's left hand. He opened his eyes and saw that everyone was there to see him. "How long have I been asleep?" "A while. You were late going into surgery and you slept well. The doctor told us you would wake sometime this morning." "How long will I be in for this time?" "Around four days."

Mike saw the doctor walk over to him as he asked, "will I be in longer than four days?" "No you should be able to leave by then. How are you feeling?" "I'm fine I guess. I'll be fine when I leave again." "Alright. He'll be fine, he just needs to get some rest." Mike closed his eyes and Jonathan quietly said, "I'll stay, the rest of you go home." As they left, Claire whispered to George, "Jonathan can't be on his own with Mike. Someone has to stay with him." George's mother heard her as she offered, "I'll stay with them. You can manage without me. Right?" He hugged his mother as he told her to be careful as she told him the same thing as he left with the others and as she went back to be with Mike and Jonathan.

By the time everyone returned to Jonathan's home, James stood outside of the door and said, "Jonathan's got a phone call from someone named Jack?" George's father mouthed, 'he's at the hospital.' "Sorry, he's out at the moment..." James then pressed the button to end the call and switched the phone off. "It was Jack. I think he just threatened me. Where's Jane?" "She wants to keep an eye on Jonathan. He can't be on his own, not after all he's gone through anyway."

George read his mother's mind as he knew that she was safe and smiled as he saw that she was talking with Jonathan. He looked to his father and nodded to let him know that his mother was safe. "I can read your mum's mind too you know." Everyone walked into the house and sat in the living room. George sensed that Claire was exhausted and she wanted to sleep for a while. She yawned as she said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I haven't slept well in the hospital. I wanted to make sure Jonathan was going to be fine." "It's fine Claire. We know you want to help Jonathan take care of Mike. You get some rest." She nodded as she went to her room.

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant