Weekend with Finn

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Stella's POV:

I woke up to the ringing of my phone.I picked up my phone,checking that Finn texted me.

From:Finny :)

Where are we gonna go?

I texted back,

To:Finny :)

U up for biking?

After just setting down my phone, he replied. He sure is a fast texter.

From:Finny :)

Sure! <3

Aww, he added a heart.

To:Finny :) 

What was the heart for?

Finn's POV:

Well, we just met and I kinda like her? Is that bad? I realized she already texted back.

From:Stella (0.0)

What was the heart for?

Oh no. What should I text back?Like we just met and now here I am, starting to be lovestruck.No, this is not cliche.Oh I know! So I texted back,

To:Stella (0.0)

My finger must have slipped. Whoops!

What the. Grow up Finn! She wont accept that kind of excuse.Are you stupid?Oh God.

**phone rings**

Oh,must be Stella's reply.

From:Stella (0.0)

You know what? You're clumsy xD

Oh thank god.She did not know that was an excuse.Close one.Can't believe she fell for that! I texted back:

To:Stella (0.0)

Hahaha! I'm somehow clumsy.

We texted till' 10 am. Here's how it went:

Stella:Whatchu wanna do later?

Finny (me) : As you said,biking.

Stella:Nothing else? :''(

Finny:Fine, eating.


Finny:No one can hear you.

Stella:Im an AmeriCAN!

Finny:What the....

Finny:P.S. You're Asian.

Stella: Ik. [I know]

Stella:I was just being sarcastic. -.-

Finny: Ok! ok! I get it!


Stella: Gotta eat lunch! See you @ 2:00pm!

Finny: y so early?

Finny:oh well.

Stella's POV:

While we were texting,I suddenly became hungry,I decided to eat lunch early. So I texted Finn with a:

"Gotta eat lunch! See you @ 2:00pm!"

I went to Taco Bell to buy food.


I arrived at the park at 1:45pm, So I bought food.I got 2 hotdogs on a stick.Yes 2. I

I was halway through finishing the first hotdog when Finn called me.

Calling:Finny :)

Accept Deny

I clicked accept,what else?

"Hey Finn! Where are you?"

"I'm at the park already!Where.Are.You." Finn said sounding worried and annoyed all in one.

"Im at the park too!"

"Then where in the park are you?"

"I'm at the hot dog stand!" I say, sounding so happy.

"What the. I'll be there." He says, sounding, um.. believed. You get the picture right?

After a good 2 minutes later, Finn finally found me.

"So you came early,just to eat.Seriously?" Finn says,sounding kind of pissed.

"Literally,No.Technically,Yes." I say, starting to eat the second one.

"Well,I cant stop you..." Finn said.

By that time,I finished my second one.

"Come on let's go play at the playset!" I say, excitingly.

"But I thought we were going to bike?"

"I ditched that thought already." I say to Finn, while walking faster to the suprisingly empty playset.

"Oh memories,fun childhood memories,HERE I COME!!!" I scream while running to the playset.Finn just stands in the distance,laughing.

I start swinging in the swing, and I remember the book, Th1rteen R3asons Why. Well I stood up and dragged Finn into the playset.He just,laughs.

I played with Finn on the swings,the slide,and the monkey bars.I was trying to get across the monkey bars while Finn was picking grass.When I was through the monkey bars,I let go of the bars and Finn was turned against my back,sitting down and picking grass.Finn stood  

up, with something on his hand.Exactly at the time I turned my back to face him,he was  

doing the same thing and we were just,inches apart. I noticed that he has a flower in his  

hand and he was going to give it to me.Okay, this is kind of..... Um.. Awkward. Being inches/centimetres away from your best friend,is NOT romantic. What? U think I like him? Just because I said on the first day he looks good looking? I said quite. QUITE. And it would be too cliché.And I don't really like him.

I noticed it was getting dark, so I looked away and said, I'll just text you. I started to walk away when Finn caught up with me and said,

" Um, this is for you. Cause I am guessing it's your favorite. " He says, handing me a daisy.

"Well,no.I like roses.But thanks." I say taking the flower.

"See you! " Finn says as I walk away.

I look back and say,

"text me!" and walked away.

---------------------------------------at home-------------------------------------------------------------------

I arrived at the apartment about 6:30 in the evening.When I arrived at our apartment/flat, my mom shouted,

"just in time for dinner Stella!"

And I went to our dining table and we ate pasta. After I ate, I was kind of feeling sleepy and lazy so I took I quick shower, change my clothes to pajamas and I went to sleep, not even bothering to text Finn.

---------------------------------------------8:45 am-------------------------------------------------------------

I wake up suprisingly early and checked my phone if I had any messages.I had 1 message from Finn. I checked it before heading downstairs and it says,

From: Finny :) 

Good Morning!

Sent: 6:05 am

Wow. 6 in the morning. Are you kidding me?! Finn woke up 6 am?! Okay, enough of that. I text him back, saying,

"Hiiiii!! Wanna hang out today?" I say, going downstairs, grabbing toast, and going back up to my room.

Finn replies, saying,

"So Sorry, I can't. We have a family picnic. I'll just see you on Monday alright?"

I say,

"ok! Have fun ! See u" I text.

A/N: YES!! A long chapter 2 done! :)

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