Prologue I

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"Deep into the woods, where the moon doesn't shine through the trees. Lives a old ugly witch, named Elly. So ugly she scares the spiders."

"Wait, what? I'm sure spiders don't care what she looks like."

"Riley it's rude to interrupt a story" Michael says pushing his daughters long brown hair out of her eyes. Her bangs are growing out and falls in her face continuously. Riley tomboy-ish ways leads her to never care about what's going on with her hair.

It's a full moon on a cool October night. Michael, Riley and Jason are out camping in their back yard. It's a beautiful night. Theirs a chill in the air but not too cold. The wind is blowing just enough to hear a slight whistle through the trees. The bonfire glowing, so much you can watch the light dance across the blue and yellow tent, they hitched just against the tree line. Michael is telling his two children about the famous legend of the Blair Witch.

"Dad, everyone already knows about this story. This crazy small town obsess a little too much over this fairy tale." Jason says reaching for his water bottle. He's a little skeptical about the whole witch thing. His 15 birthday just past and he think he's too old to believe anymore.

Michael smiles, disregarding his aging son. He's forced to start the story all over. "Right here, in this town. All the children who lived in Burkittsville, Maryland, believed this one woman named Elly, was a witch. Elly swore her innocence. For months she was at trail for witch craft. No one believed her. she eventually confessed and swore her revenge. So she fled into the only place she felt free. The woods right behind our house. They searched for her for weeks until it was dead of winter. The towns people believed she died from exposure to the weather. The town knew if she ever came back they would burn her at the stake. Everyone slowly forgot all about Elly. But as soon as the last memory faded, one by one children of the town went missing. Until all of them were gone. And every October elly comes back to take one child. Preferably a girl. Around 8 or 9." Michael tells the story as creepy as he can. "Riley how old are you again?

"I'm 9 now dad" Riley says becoming more and more not interested in the overly told legend. " I think Mikes right this story is not scary anymore."

"Alright children" Michael says "it's a tradition. We have to go through this every year. You guys just isn't in the spirit anymore. It's kinda bumming me out."
Michael gets up from the well manicured lawn, where everyone is seated. Dusts off the back of his jeans and heads to the house to get hose. Just then a huge gust of cold wind pushed through the trees and put the fire right out.

"Well couldn't that happen before I drag this darn thing all the way here" Michael thought to himself. At that moment he began to feel eerie. Like their was something heavy in the air. The whistle from the wind has completely stopped and it became much darker now the fire was out. Michael just chucked it up to be because every thing is now still and pitch dark. They all gathered into the small tent. Riley too, feeling the eerieness left the flashlight on while they slept.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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