Changed My Mind

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I sat on my couch at home with a scrap of paper in my hands while Aaron dug around my fridge and the tv was on in the background. Evans, Sebastian, and Scarlett had come over to rehearse, one by one they said their goodbyes and headed home.
I used the cover of my tablet as a hard surface for me to write on, I put the end of the pen in my mouth, biting it softly, as I thought what to write next.

"What are you up to?" Aaron asked, I looked up and saw him with my bag of beef jerkey in his hands.

"Writing my bucket list." I answered and turned my attention back to the paper.

"You know you're twenty two right?" He said with that accent of his as he sat down on the other side of the couch.

"I know." I smiled jotting one more thing down.

"You're not planning on dying anytime soon are you?" He joked. I rolled my eyes at him and he scooted closer to me snatching the paper from my hands.

"Visit, Yellowstone." He read out loud, "The Great Wall of China, the pyramid of Giza, the Temple of Ramses...." I saw him read the rest of the list to himself.
"This is some serious stuff, the whole world." He said turning the paper over.

"That was always the plan." I smiled.

"What was it that made you want to act?" He asked.

"Acting kinda just happened...... but it funds my adventures and pays the bills." I smiled.

"Well, as long as it's something you love." He said handing my paper back. He was usually always messing around, it wasn't always that we had some form of Heart to heart.


"Please fasten your seat belts, we are now beginning our descent" the voice snapped me back to reality. I put on my seat belt and looked out the widow to the night city lights below. I had taken my dog to live with me at Georgia while filming. I had left him in the care of Norman, along with most of my belongings. I got a text from Lizzie, asking me where I was and why I had suddenly dissapared while I waited for my luggage, I quickly wrote a text telling her where I was, also mentioning the fact that I ran away from Sebastian.
I sent the text and spotted my suitcase, my phone started to ring as I pulled my luggage out.
I told her everything that happened, after a pause she told me it wouldn't hurt to try and that he was back in New York. I argued that Sebastian was my friend, and if I couldn't return his feelings, we would be ruined.
In the end, I told her I'd really think about it. I hung up and went outside where Norman waited for me.

>>I spent a few days with them, then taking a flight up to Niagara Falls.
I bought the seat next to mine and my dog was able to fly next to me, she was three years old, a pretty Australian shepherd whom I named Bo. I rented a jeep, I got it stuck in my head that I still needed a homey feel, nothing like my car back home in Cali.


I was driving home when I remembered I still had some souvenirs/gifts from my last adventure, I made a detour and stopped by Sam and Aaron's house. I parked in the driveway and took out some stuffed animals for the girls, and this gorgeous necklace made from natual turquoise stones, for Sam, also getting one from pink stones for Lizzie. I would have gotten one for myself, but I'm not one for necklaces, bracelets or rings.

I knocked on the door while juggling everything, Aaron's mom answered, I had met her long ago.

"Hi, I was wondering if Aaron or Sam was home?" I asked.

"Y/n" she smiled, "no, not right now. They went out a few minutes ago. Did you want me to call them?" She asked after letting me in.

"Oh no, it's alright. I just came to drop off some stuff. " I said.

The oldest, Wylda, peeked at me from the hall. They both noticed it was me and came to greet me. Aaron's mom slipped away to the kitchen while I played with the girls.

"I should go, " I said to the girls, "I'll visit soon. Bye. " I hugged them.

I walled to the kitchen to say goodbye.

".......Just wish he had waited a bit longer to marry, he could have been really happy with y/n." I overheard.

"Yeah, but he's happy, that's all that matters." Aaron's dad said.


Maybe giving Sebastian a chance wouldn't be the worst thing.
I need to get over Aaron.
I got dressed, putting on my green military jacket, jeans and black ankle boots. I checked out of the hotel, putting Bo in the back seat and starting my lomg drive.

The streets were filled with traffic on this gorgeous cloudy day. I manged to find a parking spot and decided to walk all the way there. With great timing, it started to pour. I reached the building taking an elevator to the right floor, we were dripping with water when I stood in front of the door.
I knocked twice and looked down at Bo standing next to me, just as drenched as I was.

"Y/n." Sebastian breathed when he opened the door, "What are you doing here?" He smiled.

"I was hoping you hadn't changed your mind. " I said.

Author's Question: Would you guys want detail in what's going on with the Sebastian relationship, or should I skip to where Aaron comes in?

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