Chapter 2

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As you know, I was with my family today. So far today has been a blast. Ya even though girls stopped us to take pictures but I didn't mind. We were walking and my little sister saw Starbucks. "Can we get Starbucks PLEASE" she whined. "Fine" we all said. So I was walking with my family to Starbucks. I see this girl sitting on a bench in front of Starbucks watching one of my O2L videos. It looks like she's sad. Ima go up to her."Hey that's my O2L video your watching" I said. She turns around with a sad face then to a happy face. " Jc Caylen" she said. "Yes I am. Wait a minute.....I know you" I said. "You do?" She said confused. "Isn't your name y/n? I said. "Yes I am" she said happy. "Ya I remember your best friend told me to make a video for you" I said. "Ya thank you by the way" she said. "No problem. Um....Can I have a picture with you?" I asked. "Ya sure on who's phone? she asked. "On both our phones" I said. "Um.....Can I have your number too?" I asked. "Ya sure" she said putting her number in my phone. We took the selfies for the next 5 mintutes. It was fun. "I have to go home" she said. "I'll walk ya" I said. "Oh I brought my pennyboard" she said. "That's okay. I brought mine too" I said. We both laughed. "I'LL BE BACK" I yelled to my fam. I pennyboarded with her to her house. I've never met a girl that really loves to pennyboard. "How long have you've been penny boarding for?" I asked. "Since I was 8 years old" she said. "I taught myself and my parents didn't like it cuz since I'm a "girl" that I can't pennyboard. It seems sexist" she said. "Wow. Hey like I always say" "if you aren't doing what you love, you are wasting your time" we both said at the same. We laughed. "Well I guess you do know" I said laughing.

Y/n POV:
We talked the whole way to my house. He asked me questions about myself and my life. "Oh I'm sorry" he said. "It's okay" I said starting to tear up. "Hey you still have your mom. Which is good" he said. "About that" i said. "What?" He said. "She is leaving for the next 6 months. She's leaving tomorrow" I said stopping and started to cry. "I'm really really sorry" he said. "It's okay" I said. He came closer to me, sat me down and just held on to me tight. I felt safe with him.

I felt so bad when she told me what happened to her dad and that her mom is leaving her for 6 months. I hugged her so tight and just wanted to stay like this forever. I let her cry on chest. I kissed her forehead. She looked up into my eyes. We leaned in to kiss but we got interrupted by her phone ringing. "Oh sorry can we continue walking? My mom wants me home." She said. "Ya" I said. We continued to pennyboard to her house. We turned at the corner of the street to her house. Wait a mintute. This is where..........

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