Chapter Five:

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Chapter 5:

Anna sat upon the bed from which she hadn't moved from all day. Her skinny legs sat criss-crossed, Her bony back faced the bedroom door, Her hands sat in her lap, and her black fingernails clawed at the scars upon her wrists and hips. She gazed out of the open window that filled her lungs with the scent of wet grass instead of nicotine.

She sat there with bags under her eyes and uncombed hair with the sensation of the false hope she thrived on that this was all a sick, and twisted dream.

A sick, and twisted nightmare.

Within seconds, the door barged open with a thud and Anna knew that this wasn't a dream nor nightmare.

"You fucking IDOIT! You slam the door any harder, you're gonna to break it and the wall!" Anna scrambled to her feet and shouted at a very hungover Travis.

Travis pointed a finger at Anna and began to say something hut before he could, his eyes wandered to what was left of the potted plants they still lay at the foot of the bed. He chuckled to himself.

"I don't wanna hear any bullshit come from your hypocrite of a mouth! Cause apparently you can throw your little temper tantrums and don't even have to clean up after yourself!"

"YOU CAUSED THAT! YOU CAUSED ALL THIS! Cause you don't know and you don't care about anyone else's feeling AT ALL! Hell, you left me here last night without a single trace of where you went and you didn't think about how worried I was!" Anna lied. She didn't worry. She didn't care.

Travis lifted his hand and before Anna even knew what was about to happen, his palm struck the side of her face. And with that, Travis walked out the door yet again.

Shock, fear, hatred...

These all felt better than feeling nothing.

Her cheek wasn't the only stinging she felt.

Her eyes burnt as salty tears built up and began to flow.

She was crying.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated this. I've been busy with school and other things. Blah blah blah. To make up for the absence I've posted 2 chapters today instead of just the 1. Love you guys! I hope you're enjoying this story so far!


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