The man entered the door, and I could finally see what he looked like. He wore a patched-up coat, a large hat and a mask with a smiley face on it. "Funny, am I?"

"Twick-ow-tweat!" A little boy came up to the porch. "My name is Gorney!" The man, or creature, picked up Gorney and swallowed him whole. I hid behind Dipper, terrified to move.

"There is only one way to avoid this fate." The monster spoke as I clutched onto Dipper's arm."If you can collect 500 pieces of candy, and bring it to me before the last Jack-O-Melon goes out, I will let you live."

"500 treats in one night?!" Dipper cried. "That's impossible!"

"The choice is yours children," The creature spoke as he backed out. "You must trick-or-treat, or die." It lept onto the roof and crawled away.

"W-Who was that guy?" Candy stuttered.

"It's the legend Soos told us about - it's true!" I mumbled. With that, Mabel rounded us up (including Soos) and we set out to go trick-or-treat. We came up to the first house, Lazy Susan awaiting us at her door.

"Trick-or-treat!" We cheered.

"And is everyone in costume?" She smiled. "Let's see, Chimney Sweep, Elephant Man, Squigee, Ant Farm, Queen of England..." She looked at Dipper. "And what are you supposed to be?"

"A-Actually, I'm not dressed up as anything." Dipper grumbled. "We're kinda in a hurry, here."

Lazy Susan frowned. "Oh, I see." She put one single piece of candy in each of our bags before slamming the door.

"Five pieces of candy?!" Dipper whined.

"We gotta up our game, bro-bro! You need to get into your costume!" Mabel insisted.

"I said, I'm not up for it!"

"Oh, really?" A voice said from behind. The Trickster appeared and took a look at the candy in our bags. "I've seen better." He climbed up onto a roof. "Tick-tock." He said before leaving.

"Now, what was that about being too sick?" I smirked.


Once we had Dipper changed into his adorable Peanut Butter costume, we each set out to the many houses in the neighbourhood, dumping our received candy into the wheelbarrow afterwards. It turned out that Mabel was right - people really love twins in costume!  Finally, we made it to 499 pieces of candy.

"Last one to the final house is a rotten egg!" Mabel cheered as she ran off to retrieve the last piece of candy with Candy and Grenda. Soos went back to the Shack to grab the truck as Dipper and I watched over the candy.

Dipper was talking to himself, quietly. I managed to hear the words "party" and "Wendy", causing my stomach to twist and turn. "I... I'm gonna go look for Mabel and the others." I said before running off. I caught up to Mabel, Candy and Grenda and we started to head back, when I caught Dipper talking to someone in a purple van.

"You're coming to the party right?" I heard one voice say.

"Definitely, definitely." Replied Dipper.

"See you there!" Said the other voice as the van drove off.

"Later guys!" Dipper called after them.

Enigma (Dipper x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang