"Now get out" Sebastian said, pointing out the door. 

I nodded and walked out the bedroom door. 

I walked over to Mathilda's room and put on some clothes before leaving to go to the front door. 

Luke was standing by the door and looking at me, memorising my every movement.

I walked up next to him, and stood next to him, looking into his sapphire eyes, getting memorised by them one agin. 

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" he whispered back. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him as close as I could. 

The tears were rolling down my cheeks like raindrops on a stormy day. 

I can't believe I am banned from seeing my one true love. I can't. I can't just never see him again. I know I can't. 

Luke pulled away and kissed me on the forehead. 

He briefly smiled at me and then I walked out the door, the door I have walked out so many times, the door I have dreaded to face ever since Sebastian walked into the room. 

I knew I had to leave, and it had to be now.

But I couldn't get myself to take those few steps out that door. 

My heart was racing and my eyes were teary. 

I stood there, looking at the door, hoping for a miracle. 

I shut my eyes tightly, wishing, hoping that when I open them I'll be in bed, and awoken from this nightmare. 

But when I open them I am in the same exact place. I haven't moved. 

I take a deep breath and reach my shaky hand towards the door knob. 

I slowly press it and open the door, the only sound in the whole house was the slight screeching of the door, rubbing against the tile floor of the front hall. 

When the door was fully open I looked over at Luke, mouthing the words 'I Love You', him doing the same in response. 

I take a large step out the door and close it behind me. 

I rush out their yard and run home, my feet fly across the pavement. 

I just want to go home.

I run up to my door, knocking on the door with so much anger if I did it any harder it would brake. 

My mum's face appears in the doorway, as the door is slowly being opened. 

My face is most definitely red, and my eyes are puffy from crying.

"Oh my god, honey, whats wrong?" My mum asked, her voice dripping with sympathy. 

I sniffed in respons and pushed past her. 

"Camilla Anne Jonston, what is going on?" 

"Mum when you met dad did you just know he was the one?" I asked, my tears staining my cheeks and dripping down to my lips. 

"Yeah, I guess" she replied 

"I found him, I found the one, but we can never ever see each other ever again" I cried out, limping up the stairs. 

"Milla what are you talking about?" 

"Mum I have done a terrible mistake, but it was the best mistake I have ever made" I said, closing the door. 

I leaped onto my bed and buried my head in the warmth of my pillow, crying every thin out. 

Not long after i heard footsteps come towards my room, the door opened and my mum came into my room. 

She sat down next to me on the bed and sighed, putting a hand on my back. 

"Honey, I love you, and if what you say is true and you found your true love you have to go after him, no matter if its wrong or right" she said, rubbing my back gently, soothing me with her simple movement. 

"But its not that easy" I said, my words muffled by my cries and the pillow. 

"Love isn't easy, it is so hard" my mum started "but once you found your true love, its the easiest thing in the world"


Guys I'm sooooooooo sorry this is such a late update!

School has been a bitch. 

But I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Don't forget to vote and comment 

Love you guys! 


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