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It's been a whole damn week I haven't seen nobody. I dreaded going back home so I just decided to rent me a nice ole hotel to clear my head of some things until I feel sane enough to face the music. My first response was of course to clean out that account of jussie's that's a start with this got damn divorce, next day I get served with some damn divorce papers at work just a bright start.

I walked in my doctors office with an uneasy feeling, since I been throwing up and having strange stuff going on with me.

"Mrs.lopez how are you today ?"

"I'm doing just fine please doctor shay please tell me I am not dying I don't have aids do I ?why was I throwing up blood ? Am I another easy e!" I started crying out loud

"Mrs.lopez -mrs.lopez calm down"the doctor said patting me on my back

"Okay okay but please let in on me easy."

"Okay-well we know for sure you tested for aids a while back and it all came back negative and you tested for aids yesterday and it came back negative as well-"

"Oh thank you Jesus !" I threw my hands in the air.

"But I have to say mrs.lopez we did some cat scans because of your excessive vomiting of blood and test came back that you and your baby is fine"

"Excuse me did you say baby ?"

"Yes ma'am you are about ten weeks along"

Fuck this baby was for sure By Marcus how will get through this shit now?

"Doctor is there other options?"

"Yes there  are but because of you just finding out we will have to let you decide a day or two before you make the next big step okay honey anything else for me today ?"

"Nope" I said popping the p.

Walking out this office knowing I was carrying my dead bestfriend husband child was very sickening on both ends. I haven't heard from Marcus in about two weeks almost three I am debating on weather should I tell him I was pregnant with his child.

My house seemed a little different my curtains we're halfway ripped and the front door looked scratched, from the physical setting the door was even unlocked.

"Hello?"I called out.

Just a slight sound of panting was going on about.

"Hello who is there ?"

A trail of blood was ran through the hall way leading up to my guest room. The door was slightly cracked I hesitated to open the door but the panting and whimpering was getting louder, speaking of the demon himself lies Marcus with blood coming from his mouth.

"Mar-Marcus what the hell is going on?" I stuttered out.

"He-he -he knows" he started crying in pain holding his chest.

"Who knows what ?"

" I know what's what bitch"Jussie said coming behind me pistol whipping me.

"Jussie are you crazy !" I yelled.

"No bitch but you are fucking him in our bed,wondering how I knew oh the cameras tell it all "

"Jus I can ex-" he started again on my face.

"Shut up bitch ! With your lies yall wanna keep secrets well let's tell them shall we besties" Jussie said in a gay tone.

"Okay yall bitches don't wanna start okay I will for one let's all say how jay and Marcus baby was really mine I busted in that bitch been busting in her since college"he stopped and grinned.

"Jussie how the fuck could you!" I cried out.

"Oh come on now Mia I was not the only nigga's Dick you was inhaling"

"Jussie I have been nothing but faithful to you up until now !"

"Stop! Stop with the lies you a hoe just like the rest !" He yelled waving his gun.

He continued to rant and rave until he grabbed me by my hair and pointed the gun towards my forehead.

"Bitch tell the trust or I'll blow your motherfucking brains out!" He spat in my face.

He smacked my face again with the gun.


"Shut up bitch now answer this did you fuck my manager?"

I sat there and cried with my hands up.

He smacked me again." I said answer me bitch did you !"

"Yes-yes but only to tell me where you were and you were in the hotel with those people !"

"Ah so your ass not only fucked my business partner but your ass tricked that pussy for obvious information! Your ass is stupid yes bitch I like to be bent over and like to bend men and women over " he laughed evilly.

"Jussie how could you I never did anything I -"

"I-I I don't want to hear it bitch you killed my baby our baby and your ass was and still is a selfish bitch !"

He cocked back the gun.

"Jussie please please no !"

"Jussie please no no my ass why should I not blast your ass bitch!"

"Because Jussie I'm pre-

Before I could finish anything else he was opening fire into Marcus before I knew it Marcus was gasping for air.

"Go ahead you pregnant by the dummy !"

"Mia-you got my seed?" Marcus grinned.

All I did was cry and nod my head.

"Oh both of talk some sick bitches"

"Jay always knew something was up with Marcus especially when he would fuck her and call her "Mimi" welp I'm such a sick motherfucka myself I even fucked her while she was in a coma"

Marcus been quiet for too long and he jumped up as fast as he could and jumped on Jussie to fight over the gun. they both had one hand on each side of the gun that not only gave me the que to run like hell or sit back and get shot.

Both of them still tussling over the gun I ducked out the room and called the police secretly.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes I need an officer over here fast and quickly I am being held hostage by my husband and he already harmed my friend!"

"Ma'am stay on the line an officer is on the way we can track you from your cellphone so don't worry about an address"

"Okay okay thank you !"

Still on the line for the police five minutes passed and the police still were on the line .

"Freeze ! Stop what you are doing you are under-"

The sound of gun shots went off that interrupted them somebody was dead or either half way dead...


I must have blacked out or something before I knew it I was on the back of one ambulance getting treated. When I arrived to the hospital same doctor who delivered the news that I was pregnant was there again to tell me the baby made it and the other options were available to me if I wanted them. I nod my head in refusal and drifted off to sleep... A deep sleep...

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