-I Think i Fell In Love-

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(Karma's P.O.V)

It was the same boring day at school , everyone wanted to kill the teacher and Nagisa talked to his girlfriend Kaede but there was something odd . There was one student missing and I think her name was (Y/N) . I never talked to her before , all I knew about her that she was kinda crushing hard on Nagisa . But he never noticed her , but what I wonder is how can you not spot a girl like that . I mean MAN you gotta be blind because her soft , magical red ponytails and her outfit . Like how can you not spot her she's like the prettiest girl in school and her angel voice


I-I t-t-think I fe-fe-fell in LOVE with (Y/N) . Like I mean I've never talked to her except in class . My heart was pounding like it never did before .

A couple days before .....

It was a good day and Nagisa told me he was going out with Kaede , it was going great until it all stopped . (Y/N) was going to tell Nagisa that she loves him . She didn't know that Nagisa already was going out with someone else . I stood behind a tree and watched as (Y/N) ran away in tiers and with a broken heart . Right after she ran into the forest I ran after her and after 10 min of chasing her I catches up and I grabbed her hand . The moment she looked at me and stared into my eyes . I noticed that she had beautiful red eyes and a she was just beautiful . "LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO , I JUST WANT TO HIDE FROM EVERYONE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE"she shouted . Then I simply hugged her , I could feel her tiers as they stopped running down her face . She fell asleep on my chest , so I decided to lie down on the grass with the sun shining through the magical leaves of trees . I gently stroked her hair and I fell asleep too . But when I woke up I was at .......


What Karma you have to not be with him yet? (Karma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now