Chapter Twenty-Four

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Okay, I feel awful that it has been like, almost a month since i have updated!  Can you believe that?  I feel like a bad person.  Anyway, I'll go through my usual spiel.

You guys are awesome.  I love you.  Thanks for voting and commenting!  Keep it up!!

School has been kinda rough so far, but I'm powering through.  It's band I'm worried about.

And I said my "usual spiel" but don't think that means I don't care.  Seriously.  I appreciate all of you more than you know.

Now read!


Though neither Grayson nor I was very excited about driving more, it was necessary to get the ice cream that had become my singular focus. Grayson had grabbed the keys to my car from his pocket and began walking to the front door of my parents' house, but I had just shaken my head with a smile and headed toward the garage.

It was kind of invigorating to drive the convertible that was in the garage. I hadn't been allowed to drive it until I turned twenty, and even then I didn't have very many occasions, so I always reveled in it when I got the chance.

Pulling into the parking lot of my favorite ice cream parlor, I looked at Grayson. His hair was mussed from the wind, and he had a lingering smile on his lips. He wasn't looking at me, instead he was glancing over to his right, taking in all the surroundings.

When he finally turned and saw me watching him, his smile got wider. He motioned to my head. "Your hair is a little..."

I could only imagine what it looked like, but at that moment I didn't really care.

"I know," I said with a smile that was impossible to contain. Unable to resist, I leaned forward and kissed Grayson quickly. It was only a few seconds, but the simple contact was enough to make my energy soar to new heights.

"Not that I'm complaining," Grayson said as he unbuckled, "but what was that for?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know. I just wanted to." There was just something about knowing that Grayson was mine that made me happier than ever. Mine to kiss when I wanted, mine to snuggle with, mine to torture with threats about my cat nibbling on his bones. You know, all the good things in life.

"In that case..." he said when we both rounded the front of the car. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and cinched me tightly to his front. As his head came down to gently press against my lips, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips moved in perfect harmony together, and after a second a small moan slipped out from between my lips.

"We shouldn't do this here," I finally was able to mumble. "There might be small children."

Grayson laughed and pulled away from me. "Come on, let's go get this ice cream you've been raving about." It was true, I had been. But that was only because it was really awesome ice cream; I had really missed it since I moved.

"You laugh now," I warned, "but when you have this ice cream you won't want to ever leave the place." I was able to say it with a straight face, which I considered an accomplishment, no matter how small.

There was a rush of cool air that replaced the heat of the summer sun as we entered the shop, which was decorated in a blur of bright colors. A long glass container stretched the length of the room, tubs of ice cream on show from within. Tables full of children and their tired-looking parents were clustered together all throughout the space.

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