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Juliana had been on the sea for weeks, and was completely accustomed to it. Raiding ships was the norm, and all the time she had her little friend on her shoulder, whom she decided to call Mowgli. She began to feel like she would forget the events from weeks earlier. Everything was not just happy and without incident in the pirate's life though. They were attacked by other pirates and had to stop at ports to repair their ship. Captain Sworde's ship had gone from being utterly unknown to vastly whispered about. Since Juliana had joined his crew, they had been widely successful. Female pirates were a rare thing, and the ones who escaped Captain Sworde's raids spread the word about the young, lady pirate, who had disarmed them and stolen their treasures. None of them knew her name of course, so she simply became known as 'Sworde's Gran Arma.' (Translation: Sworde's Great Weapon) It wasn't until she was widely talked about that people started wondering about her. Where did this girl come from? Why did she become a pirate?
Captain Sworde sent Juliana below deck to find the immense treasure on one of his greatest rivals ships, Captain Bearde. She found one of his crew members below deck, loading a canon.
"Aye!" She yelled.
The crew member turned around, and stared with wide eyes. "Sworde's Gran Arma." He said stunned.
"Sí, lad." She answered with a deadly smile. Mowgli sat on her shoulder as she flipped her sword around in her hands. She walked up to the frightened crew member who had lit the canon. She pinched the flame so the canon wouldn't fire.
"Where's the treasure?" Juliana asked blade in hand.
"Why would I tell you?" The crew member said shakily.
"Do you really want to fight?" Juliana said tauntingly. "Draw your sword, mate."
The crew member would walk the plank if he just gave up to her, so he drew his sword.
"Bad choice." Juliana said with a chuckle. The sword's clashed and the sound of metal on metal rang below the deck. The crewmen slashed, and jabbed, but Juliana was quick and light on her feet. Her style was like art, precise and unpredictable. She kept the man close to the wall, and at each opening she pinned a part of his clothes to the wall with a dagger. He was soon completely stuck to the ships wooden planks.
"I'll ask again," Juliana said, sword at the man's throat, "Where's the treasure?"
"Behind that door!" The crewmen pointed at a door hidden by beer barrels.
Juliana rushed above deck, "Ere'!" She called pointing.
Sworde and some of his mates, including Peg, Ryden, John, and Ralf rushed down to meet Juliana.
"Great work Gran Arma!" Ralf called.
During raids they never called Juliana by her true name, because her nickname struck fear into the hearts of anyone on the sea.
*back in the kingdom*
Abram constantly worried about Juliana. He didn't know where she was or if she was okay. It's been months now, and there were no sightings of her, no word of her.
"The kingdom is much more pleasant without that spawn of the Enemy." Mary sighed happily.
Abram was set to wed Mary in 6 years time.
"I guess so." Abram said. Abram hoped that Juliana missed him, but it was too bad for him that she had a family again, and pushed all thoughts of the kingdom away. She was already feared on the seas, after almost months. Captain Sworde, and his crew ruled the oceans.
July ,1527
3 years Juliana had been on the sea. Over that time she went from being, 'Sworde's Gran Arma,' to just, 'Gran Arma.' She was Captain Sworde's first mate, and everyone in the crew adored her. They were the richest crew on the sea. Juliana told jokes with Ralf, Ryden, Peg, and John. Of the crew that was who she was the closest to. Ralf and his brother Ryden had joined the crew only a few weeks after she had. Ralf was a stocky guy, with huge hands, dark black hair, and blue eyes. His twin brother Ryden on the other hand, was thin, tall, tan, had blonde hair, and green eyes. They couldn't have been more different. Ryden was shyer, smarter, and better with a sword. Ralf was goofy, easygoing, and great at knocking people over. Peg and John manned canons. Peg was really no good with a sword, but his shot with a pistol was deadly. John was even taller than Ryden, and he was deadly with a sword.
"I can't believe that bird has sat on your shoulder all these years!" Ralf exclaimed.
"I've never seen an animal more attached to a person." John added in.
"Awh!" Juliana said patting the bird's head. "He's a good boy."
"Wait, Juliana, your birthday is tomorrow!" Ryden spoke up.
"It is! I almost forgot!" Peg burst out laughing.
"I almost forgot myself!" Juliana said taking a swig of ale.
"How old'll you be?" Ralf asked.
"Eighteen. Wow, I came here when I was 15. That's wild!" Juliana said, wondering back to her life in the kingdom.
"You never did tell us how you ended up here." John said, wondering aloud.
"How did you end up here?" Ryden asked, eyes locked on Juliana's.
"It's not really interesting." Juliana said dismissively.
"We don't know anything about you from before you were a pirate, won't you tell us a little?" Ralf asked hopefully.
Juliana sighed, "Alright, sí." She said, "My mother was from the country Tierra de Riquezas. She married my father, who was from the country Klodavia. Tierra de Riquezas was once a province of Spain, but they broke apart. I grew up in Klodavia, and my speaking Spanish and being Riquezean was harshly looked down upon. The prince, Abram, had come to my small public school when he was 9, and I was 8. He became my best friend. We did everything together, and he didn't look down upon me for my race. I told him my problems, and he told me his. I loved him for 6 years. 6 years. And then one day, he-he," Juliana wiped her eyes before a tear could slip down her cheek, "He banished me from the kingdom for being Riquezean. I lost my home, my life, and my best friend. And I came here, and I'm glad this is where I ended up."
They all stared blankly at her. "We didn't know you were banished from a kingdom.." John said.
"I tried to erase it from my memory." Juliana said. "I wanted to forget everything before you guys."
"We would never kick you out." Ralf said hugging Juliana.
"Never." The rest said in unison. Mowgli made a noise in her ear. Everyone slowly retreated below deck to sleep after that.
Juliana stayed above deck, humming a tune to herself. It was a song about Knights, and princes and princesses. Abram had taught it to her when they were little. "And the knight saved the princess. And the prince loved the peasant. Their hearts were strong, and their love was stronger." Juliana took a deep, shaky breath. Tears firmed her eyes and she had a lump in her throat. She fell to the ground and sobbed. She missed her friend so much. It had been three years, and it still killed her.
August, 1530
The sea wind sent Juliana's hair flying behind her. The morning was relatively calm, and she stood watching the waters. She noticed something moving closer and closer to the ship.
"Aye!" She yelled. Captain sword rushed up. "What is it Juliana?" He asked. She looked closely at the oncoming ship. She looked at the flag waving from it. It was purple and silver, the royal colors of Klodavia. And the ship was not an ordinary one either. She had seen one very close to it once before. Abram had to leave to see Mary's family. This was a ship only the Royals were able to use.
"That ship has royals aboard it." Juliana muttered.
"Royals?" Sworde asked.
"Sí." She gritted her teeth, "We raid it."
"Alright Juliana." Sworde said, "We raid it."
The two ships were soon moving closer to each other.
Soon Juliana was on a rope, soaring over to the other ship. Sworde liked the element of surprise she brought. She stood in the center of a dozen guards.
"Hello boys." She said drawing her sword.
"That's the Gran Arma!" One of them called, ordering for them to go after her.
She started stepping in and out between the horde of guards. "That's not very nice boys!"
"Get her!" One yelled.
She didn't see one behind her, and he cut her arm.
"Ow!" She screamed gripping her arm.
Sworde, Ryden, and John were quickly on the ship, and Juliana ran to find something to bind her arm. She ran into a cabin with a fancy looking door. She didn't see anyone. She rummaged through drawers. She found some medicinal alcohol and fancy handkerchiefs. She  dabbed the alcohol onto one of the handkerchiefs and put it to the wound.
"Ah!" She dropped the alcohol bottle and it shattered. She wrapped the wound up with the other handkerchief. Someone started to open a door to the right.
"No!" She whispered. The door opened and a man stepped in. Her eyes widened.
"Who.." It was Abram. Abram. "What are you doing on this ship?"
"Go back in that room, now." Juliana said sword in hand.
"Guards!" He yelled.
Juliana quickly jammed the door.
"Gran Arma!" Ralf's voice called from outside.
"In here!" She yelled back.
Ralf found her quickly and she let him in.
"Let's go. Now." She said.
"But what about..?" Ralf started.
"We're leaving!" Juliana commanded and they ran out.
Ralf ran back to Sworde.
"There's a prisoner in there, " he whispered, "and I think he'd be worth a pretty penny."
Juliana had already gotten back to their own ship. She was shocked to see Sworde and Ralf bring back Abram.
"No!" She muttered to herself, "This is my fault!"
They tied him up to the mast. "Hey!" He yelled, "Let me go!"
He struggled against the ropes, and Juliana watched him closely. She noticed a wound near his stomach, where one of them must have stabbed at him. After dark Juliana crept back above deck, and went to Abram. He wasn't looking good. His skin was pale and he was coughing.
"Prince Abram." Juliana said softly.
"What!" He gasped, "Who are you?"
"You really don't know?" She responded sadly.
"Why should I?" He asked. She did look much different. She had golden earrings and a nose ring. Her skin was tanner than ever and she was older and more mature looking.
"It''s Juliana." She said staring at Abram.
His face became a swirl of emotions, "No, no that's impossible."
"Abram, it's me." She whispered nodding her head. "Abram what did they do to you?"
"Stabbed me," he choked, "With a knife."
"They're not always careful with prisoners." Juliana said as she began to untie the ropes. Mowgli sat on her shoulder, staring at Abram intently, as if to say, "This, this is the guy who banished you from Klodavia."
"Yes, it is Mowgli." She whispered.
"What happened to you?" Abram asked wide eyed.
"Oh, got banished from my home, and didn't know what to do until I became a pirate. The usual stuff really." Juliana answered dryly.
"I didn't want to banish you." Abram said defensively.
"Then why did you?" She said coldly, pulling out the smuggled alcohol bottle to clean Abram's wound.
"My mother.." He started, "didn't want you around."
"So you didn't do anything? You just banished me? Gave me nowhere to go?" Juliana laughed bitterly. Placing the alcohol rag on the wound, and he flinched in pain.
"It's not that deep, you'll be fine." Juliana said. "I've definitely had worse."
"You have?" Abram said all concerned and wide-eyed.
"Well yeah, I'm a pirate." She shrugged.
"Julie I'm sorry." He said.
"It's a little late for sorry, Abram." Juliana said pulling his shirt up.
"What are you doing?" He asked surprised.
"Wrapping the wound." She answered curtly, ripping the bottom of her blouse. She used that to pad the wound and then used a gauze to wrap it around his body.
"Thank you." Abram said.
"Welcome." Juliana responded.
"How could you have done that to me?" Juliana asked, suddenly wanting answers.
"I, I had no choice." Abram said.
"No, there's always a choice." Juliana said. "I was always there for you. I never left your side. I comforted you when you needed me. I was your best friend, and you forced me away, out of your life, my home, out of my own life."
"I either had to banish you, or watch you hang." Abram answered, "and I couldn't let them hang you."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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