Characters so far

361 6 3

I'll update this as more people come.

Mal daughter of Maleficent- @MalBerthaXx

Audrey daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip- @Audery_of _Auradon

Petra daughter of Peter Pan - Me

Lily daughter of Maleficent- _MayaPhantomhive_

Ally daughter of Alice- _MayaPhantomhive_

Scarlett daughter of Captain Hook- Me

Luke son of Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder- @LukeTheHuskyFurrEver

Emma daughter of the Genie- @GobletWombat2995

Cara Chesire daughter of the Chesire Cat- @the_survivalist

Merilyn Daughter of Merida- @NerdieDashie

Celeste Wolf Daughter of the Big Bad Wolf- @KimuraSpirit

Rubie Hood Daughter of Red Riding Hood- @KimuraSpirit

Elise Frost Daughter of Elsa- RoleplayQueen_

Kayla and Aria Arrendelle- RoleplayQueen_

Willa Daughter of the Wicked Witch- @OuatFansTho

Peyton and Merla Pan- @OuatFansTho

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