Chapter 13- Stand Your Ground

Start from the beginning

"No, we can still make it!," I say, walking up to the door. I help hold it closed, hoping they would go away soon. Damn wood doors won't hold them out. I sigh, pushing my back up against the door as I conserve my strength in case I make it out alive and need it later. I gasp as a hand breaks through the wood of the door to the right of my face. I panic, leaping up so it won't infect me by scratching me. I grab the hand and bend it back, breaking the arm. Once the limb is lifeless, I shove it back through the door, returning to help keep it closed. Crappy wooden doors; they can't even hold a walker.

"Get down!," I hear Ryan scream as he grabs me, shoving me down to the floor. I lay in silence as he shields me with his body as the sound of an explosion fills my ears. Suddenly, it gets all quiet. An annoying ring soon comes to my attention as I see Ryan get off of me. I lay there, looking up as I see the door blown to pieces, along with the walkers. A muffled voice soon comes to my attention as I look up and see a teenager from Woodbury, and Rick standing in the doorway.

Although I hear them drilling me to stand up, I just lay there, the ringing in my ears still clear. I watch as Rick sees me unresponsive so he walks over, bending down to pull me up. He puts my right arm around his shoulder, helping me walk. I see Ryan and George quickly follow behind. I see the teenager more clearly as we head towards the front of the store. I can't quite place his name, but I remember him clearly. He is always trying to blow things up whenever he can. I always thought he was dumb and ignorant, but he just might have saved my life.

"Can you hear me?," Rick says as we exit the building. The sky is even brighter, but not completely. I look over at, his words more clear than they were before.

"Yeah.," I quietly say, standing up by myself to look at him. The ringing slowly does down, filling me with relief as I'm glad I didn't loose my hearing.

"We'll take ya to Hershel in a bit; he's looking over some people now first.," Rick says, walking away from me. I look around to see the people even more tiered and stressed than they were before. Sympathy feels my stomach. None of us deserve to be in a world like this!

Austin soon returns to my mind, my aching body reminding me of the world we live in. Pretty soon I'll end up like Austin--dead. Sooner or later all of us will end up like Austin.

"Hey, how are you doing?," Hershel's welcoming and warm voice speaks as I watch him crutch over to me, his one leg being the only thing allowing him to stand upright. I look up at him, giving him a small and quick smile.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tiered.," I say truthfully. To be honest, I'm more mentally exhausted than anything. Loosing Austin and being kicked out of the prison is just too much to process so quickly.

"Alright, we'll you rest, and let me know if ya need anything.," he says, giving me a smile before he crutches away. I sigh, laying down under the dim skies in the morning air. I wrap my arms around my chest in an attempt to conserve body heat. I am unable to sleep, the suspicion of a walker near by too high. I look around, the shopping center we all rest in slowly growing brighter by the second.

"Hey everyone, listen up," Rick says, speaking up over the small muffled sounds of the crowd. All the cries stop except for the cries of the younger children. I see Carl openly wrapping his arms around sobbing Kenzy, his face seeming more like an adult full of worry for their child. I can tell he really cares about her.

"What are we going to do?," a random voice speaks.


"We're going to die out here!," different voices speak, uprising against Rick. It angers me how they seem to blame Rick for this. It's not his fault the Governor happened.

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