"Nothing," I laughed, "just trying to help."

"Oh," she giggled, "That's Ed. Just trying to help," she smiled and leaned into my arms now. I felt a warm feeling of happiness spread through my body as her weight fell into me and I thought about her words. "Man, I reeeeealllly need to pee," she laughed. "Okay Teddy, help me out here. Where's the loo?" she looked up to me in question, her face semi-close to mine. I could smell the beers that she had and it comforted me.

I stood her up from the position that she had assumed, letting her gain as much balance as she could back. "I'll walk you there," I offered, but she pushed me a little and laughed.

"I've got it, you cheeky Edward." I laughed now and watched as she walked a few steps away then turning back around to smile at me then continue.

"Come back right after!" I yelled to her, earning a thumbs up through everyone else's bodies. I couldn't contain a smile.


It had been nearly 30 minutes since Beverly had gone to the bathroom. I was not blind to the fact that lines for the bathroom could get lengthy, but the feeling of her being gone for this long was unnerving. I pushed my way through the crowds of people that were packed far too tightly together. I was stumbling a bit from the drinks, but I far from incoherent. There was no line for the bathroom and I stood for 5 minutes outside the door just to see if she would come out.

But she didn't.

I began to bounce up and down, pacing from impatience and nervousness. I had had far too much of this. I swung the door open, but my stomach dropped when all of the stall doors were wide open, one stall without a door. There was no stopping me after that. I searched through the pub all over. Panic began to rush through me as I could not find her in any of the pubs corners.

My frustration welled up in my mind and body, leading me to slam my fist against the wall.

The only thing I could think of now was to scavenge for her.

I was going to ask everyone until I found her.

You let her go. With five beers in her. What the hell is wrong with you,Sheeran? This is your fault.

"Have you seen Beverly?" I yelled loudly to the person beside me. The girl was in a short and tight black dress that showed almost everything.

"Who?" she yelled back.

"She has purple hair!"

"No clue! Wanna get a drink?"

I scoffed loudly and brushed past her.

I must have asked 20 people before I got my answer.

"Have you seen a girl with purple hair?" I asked a man with another girl at the bar.

"Is she really skinny?"


He smirked. "Why do you ask?" he turned away from me and back to his drink.

"She's my friend," I said through gritted teeth. I was losing my patience. "What do you know?" I said stepping closer.

"Check through the back door," he said, turning back the girl. His voice was thick and raspy.

I was off running as fast as my short legs could take me. The burn of alcohol started in on my throat immediately, but I couldn't stop. I fumbled with the doorknob to the back door wildly, but my head was pounding and my adrenaline could kill a man.

Once I was through, my neck nearly broke from looking to each way. "Beverly!" I yelled, but got no response.

I saw a big dumpster and ran towards it. More running for almost 3 yards.

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