Chapter 2: Release

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Hey that's Beverly ^

Beverly's POV:

Today was the day. My first full album was being released today, and I was in full blown adrenaline mode. I was going on three radio stations, doing shows at two of them, and doing a final show in London to top it all off. It had been four months since Ed and I had started to conquer my songs one by one, but the process was one of the best things that has ever happened to me, by far.

Making my music into one big Playlist for anyone to listen to was a difficult task. I had written about 46 possible songs to be put on the record, but we decided that 13 would suffice. Many of the studio hours were spent with just Ed and I sitting in chairs, tea in our hands, and the songs in our head. We both contemplated which ones deserved to be heard then recorded them fully.

Some days were harder than others, that was a given. Not every day could be as exciting as the day you hear that you can make a full album or the first day of recording. But we made it through. The last day was my absolute favorite. I came into the studio to Ed sitting with headphones on nodding his head, not realizing that I had come in. Without thinking, I walked up behind him, pulled off the head phones and replaced them with my chin on top of his head. "It's the last day," I said plainly. It had finally hit me that there was nothing left to do other than listen to the whole thing.

He laughed and I lifted my head, allowing him to spin around and stand up. "Are you ready to listen?" he asked, motioning toward the small couch that we had spent hours on within the past few months.

"I dont think I want it to be over," I said, sitting down and crossing my legs.

He sat and mimicked me with his position. "It's not over, just starting actually. In a few months you'll be releasing and then touring. This is just the first step forward."

I new he was right. He always was. The wisdom that he had seemed to spill from him on a constant basis even though he was only 24. I was flashed a smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts to melting and with the press of a button, we sat back and listened to the whole album.

I didn't remember that Ed and I had recorded a song together until the minute that I was listening to it. "Ed! How did I forget this?" I said over the music.

"How do you do anything you do, Beverly?" he laughed.

I shrugged and started singing along. There reached a certain point it the song where I had ended a verse with a laugh which caused me to start laughing mid-sing.

Ed looked over and looked confused, but still so happy as he sang his corresponding part. "What are you laughing at" he yelled above the music.

"I was laughing in the recording cause that's when I watched you spill coffee on yourself," I barely said, fighting to gain my breath back from laughing so hard.

We ended our sing along standing on the couch and singing to each other and dancing along. After the last notes rang out, the only sound left in the room was that of our chests heaving to calm our breaths down. I raised my hand for Ed to high five it, and collapsed onto the couch when he did.

I moved my legs over so he could do the same. "That was the most fun I've had in so long," I let out even though air was coming too short for my lungs.

"Me too," he said, also short of breath. "People are going to want to hear that live."

I sat and thought about all the performances and tours that were about to happen in the following months. "I have an idea, but it's kinda mental," I said while sitting up to look at him. He struggled to sit up due to his tired state, so simply his head propped up. "Let's tour together."

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