A Twist in My Monochromatic Life ---Chapter Two

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"Paige, wake up", Neri shook me weakly with his voice still thick from sleep.

I groaned and hid under the covers. I  don't want to. I'd chain myself to the bed, heck I'll even marry this bed and never file for divorce. 

"Paige, therz uh a package fer ya." I can picture him talking with his eyes closed.

"Why don't you just get it and lock ourselves here forever," I manage to say. God of Sleep, make me your priestess or something. 

"No can do. He insists on-- yawn-- you getting it person'lly. Package from yer folks"

There's no escaping. ARGH. I hate getting up

Neri plopped himself on my bed, shirtless We are definitely not morning persons. I put on a shirt over my tank top. I don't think I like the idea of Mr. Delivery sneaking a peak at my cleavage. And like a zombie, I dragged myself to the door without a care about my bed hair, puffy face or that it's already two in the afternoon. 

"Good --err, Good day, Maam." He smiled. He looks like he's age forty-something and living a happy life, from all the laugh lines I see. I like this man, professional enough to ignore our morning/ afternoon peculiarity.

"Good day, Sir. You have a package for me?" I asked.

"Uhh, yes. Here you go. Sorry, it seems like I disturbed you from your sleep..." Oh, you totally did, I thought. "...but the sender insisted on having you receive it personally."

I tried to smile, though I think it was awkward that I looked like The Joker when I did. It's so hard to make my muscles obey me in the morning. Ugh.

"Naw, yer jus doing yer job..." 

He seemed to have taken that as a cue to leave. I must really look like I need sleep.

"Thanks for understanding. I hope you don't mind my asking, you're a student?" Mister must be curious as to why we are so dysfunctional.

"Naw, doctor..."

"Ah, that explains it. Exhausting job, eh? But a really good way to dedicate yourself. Sorry, for being too talkative. I'll leave now. Get some sleep, kid" He said. Then he touched the tip of his hat and walked away. He really did seem like a bubbly person. Wouldn't complain if every neighbor is kind that way. I closed the door and put back the locks and sat in the living room with the package in my lap.

I clawed the tape off lazily, slowly prying the box open. And when it did, I understood why my parents would want me to personally get this one. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets and I grinned like an idiot. 

"Goodies!" I whispered excitedly to myself. Two big packs each of Crunch, M&M's, Reese's and three Super Stack of Pringles Original. A huge pack of Double-stuffed Oreos, My old copy of Pride and Prejudice and my paperback copies of the Harry Potter Series. Holy mallolly, am I dying? Why am I holding a box of heaven? I caught sight of an envelope and opened it. A letter written by my mom.

Dearest Paige,

I truly hope that this box finds you first before Neri or else you'd find it empty. Take a time out with these stuff we brought you and live a little (ugh. Even my mom thinks my life now is pathetic). You're halfway through your exhausting phase, afterwhich you'd have more time for yourself (and for them too..) Your father has heard from Nelson about how you work in the hospital (More like gossip about me like two old ladies). You always make me so proud. As a mother who is constantly thinking of you, I want you to just enjoy a little. I know you don't have the time and energy to, so me and your dad decided to send you little comforts. Read a book, AND I DON'T MEAN TEXTBOOKS (I laughed)you deserve this reward, if you'd like to look at it that way. Keep in touch whenever you can. We love you, Paige. Don't give up. Our only daughter is making us so happy and proud that we only wish for her to be happy and well. Take Care of yourself always. 

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