18~ one call away

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"I Love you too...okay...bye." she said to Brian through the receiver. She clicks the phone off and sets it on the desk next to her. Her and Charlie finish recording their amazing song and she heads home, exhausted. Brian greets her on the couch.
"Hey babe!" He says, pulling her into a hug and kissing her temple.
"Hey Bry." She giggles back.
"How was your day." He asks.
"Exhausting. We film the video tomorrow."
"Ooh, fun." He says. She nods. She falls asleep soon after.

~Day of the Video~

There they are, standing inches away from each other. As you can imagine they we're totally elated when they found out they had to kiss... Not. So Meghan began to wrap her hands around the base of his neck as he pulled her waist closer in effortless chemistry. Her eyes lock with his in breathless admiration before their lips collide. Meghan's body explodes in tingles and she pulls back, gasping. He looks at her, his heart throbbing for her. Her eyes shimmer with confusion and her hands drop to her sides.
"Do a little better. C'mon guys, you're deeply in love!" The director yells. She sighs in defeat after arguing that the take was fine. So, there she was, making out with Charlie. It was surprisingly fun and she didn't want to stop, but as soon as the director says cut, she reluctantly pulls away. Brian glares at Charlie as they enter the green room, and pulls Meghan in for a hug. She smiles a fake smile. How can she feel the same towards Brian after what just happened? Meghan later finds herself with her fingers hovering over her keyboard with an unsent message to Charlie. She closes her eyes and hits send. She clicks her phone off and waits silently for Brian to get home from a party he went to.

Did you feel something before? Or am I going crazy?

Meghan's text replayed 100 miles and hour, swirling round his head in a continuous loop.

Did you feel something before? Or am I going crazy?

No Meghan, he thought to himself, you're not going crazy but I might be! He left the text for a little while, unable to think about a suitable way to respond. It was that cliche 'in love with your best friend' thing. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Everything about her. Every god damned detail. Her blonde hair, her raspberry lips, her vivid green eyes that just enchanted him. But she was with Brian. Brian was going to ruin him and he'd never fucking know.

Meghan hated herself for sending the text. He had obviously read it and was very clearly ignoring her because he was posting on twitter. She groaned to herself and let herself flop over. Her phone pinged and her entire body froze as she read the text.

I love you too.

She quickly unlocked her phone and called him.
"Charlie." She asked.
"Meghan, you don't know how long I've wanted to say those three words to you." She smiled to herself. After a while of silence, "you still there?"
"Yeah. Yeah." She answered, still smiling. "Char-"
"Can you come over?" He asked, knowing it was highly likely Brian would beat the Shit out of him in the near future. He didn't care, his central thought was Meghan.

I love him.

I love her.

"Yes." She answered, putting him on speaker and texting Brian, saying she was at Emmys.

Oh, you definitely felt something before. You just didn't know it.

She speeds to Charlie's house and knocks on his door. The door opens immediately, as though he'd been waiting for Meghan. She pressed a kiss against his lips before she was even fully in the apartment and her jacket was taken off of her shoulders by Charlie, who was adding fuel to the fire that Meghan had started. It was a flame of passion, a flame of love.

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