I Sketched My Mate? WTF? Chapter 4

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Amy’s P.O.V.

We sat at the table and then dad heads to the kitchen to get plates.

Dad came back with paper plates. “I’ll have to find the plates later.” He tells us.

We ate and then after we cleaned up the table, my brothers and I helped dad unpack in the kitchen. We were able to find the plates, cups, and silverware.

“Alright, why don’t we all go up to our bedrooms and get to bed.” Dad says to us.

We all went upstairs and towards our rooms. I closed my door once when I was inside my room and then after I locked the door, I went over to my dresser and grabbed my pajamas. I put them on and placed my clothes in the laundry basket that I placed beside the dresser. I got in bed and fell asleep.

I woke up the next day and after I quickly got my bed made, I got my clothes pulled out and placed them on the bed and then I went to shower. After I showered, I got changed and then I got my hair combed. I folded my pajamas and placed them on the bed. I left my room and went downstairs to see dad unpacking boxes.

“Hey kiddo.” He says to me.

I wave. “Hey dad; how long have you been up?” I ask him.

“I’ve been up since six.” He tells me.

I nod my head. “Need help?” I ask.

He nods his head. “If you want to help.” He says looking up at me.

I make my way over to him. “I just want to pull everything out and get rid of the boxes.” Dad tells me.

I began to pull things out of the box when I came across a picture. It was with mom, in the photo I was a baby and she was holding me. I smile at the photo.

“I remember that day.” Dad says.

I didn’t notice that dad was behind me until he spoke.

Dad chuckles a little. “I remember that Max really wanted to hold you but every time you were handed over to him, you began crying. Max thought you hated him.” He says.

I look up at dad. “He really thought that?” I ask.

Dad nods his head. I place the picture on the couch and began pulling more things out.

“Hey dad. Hey Amy.” I hear Max say.

I look up at the stairs to see Max. I smile and wave at him.

“Max, can you go wake up your brother?” Dad asks.

Max nods his head. “Sure.” He says.

He heads back upstairs.

“Amy, I’m going to go make breakfast.” Dad tells me.

I nod my head. Dad leaves to the kitchen and I finish emptying the box. I hear two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs seven minutes later so I turn to look up to see Max and Alex coming down.

“Hey Alex.” I say to him.

He waves a little.

“Breakfast is ready.” I hear dad say.

We made our way to the dining room and we sat at the table and then dad places the plates in front of us.

“Were you almost done unpacking everything Amy?” I hear Max ask.

I look at Max. “Yeah, I have eight boxes left.” I tell him.

He nods his head. “That’s good. Have you found your sketch book yet?” He asks.

I shake my head. “Not yet.” I tell him.

I got my love of sketching from my mom. Before she died, she would buy me a sketch book and my starter kit and she would teach me how to sketch. Mom always sketched people while me on the other hand, would sketch animals.

After breakfast was done, we got our dishes put away.

“Amy, why don’t you go unpack your stuff. Max and Alex can you help me in the living room?” Dad says to me and asks my brothers.

I nod my head.

“Yeah dad.” Max and Alex both reply.

I make my way upstairs to my room and I began opening up the first box.

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