Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“YES!!!” You screamed on top of your lungs, once you were out of sight. “Finally! I think I made new friends already.” Finally, you reached the gates of the your new school. “Not bad.” You said to yourself as you proceeded inside. This was where your search for the tenth would begin. You looked around, looking for your classroom, 1-A, and finally found it on the third floor. You straitened your uniform, mustered up all your courage, and knocked.


A teacher’s head poked out, and he smiled. “Ah good timing. You’re (Last name) (First name), right?” You nodded. “Good. I was just mentioning you.” He went back inside, said something to his students, who were soon to be your classmates, and the door opened once again. “Come inside now, (Last name).”


You walked inside, met with eyes of the people you were going to be with the whole year. Looking around, you realized there were three empty seats. You met three guys earlier. Could it be?


As if to answer your question, the three guys bursted into the room. “Sorry we’re late!” The brown haired one said while he was catching his breath.


The teacher sighed, as if this was the same situation every morning. “It’s okay, Sawada. You, Gokudera and Yamamoto, get to your seats. We have a new student here.”


“Eh, no need to introduce her to us.” The white haired one said. “We’ve already met her.”


“Well, Gokudera, some of us in class don’t know her yet, so just sit down and listen, okay?”


“It’s fine, I guess.”


Gokudera went to his chair. He raised his legs up on the table like a boss, and you couldn’t help but giggle at his self-esteem.


“Oy, Gokudera. You shouldn’t be like that in front of the new student.”


“Shut up, baseball freak.”


The teacher cleared his throat. “Alright,” He said. “(Last Name), why don’t you introduce yourself to the class?” You nodded, and proceeded to introducing yourself.


“My name is (Last Name), (First Name). I’m 14 years old. I came from Italy, but my Japanese is fluent enough for me to communicate with you.” You bowed, just for good measures. “I hope I could be good friends with you all.”


The teacher clapped his hands. “Okay, (Last Name). Is it okay that you take a seat behind Yamamoto?”


“Whose Yamamoto?” You asked. Seriously, You thought. I don’t know anyone in this school yet and you start saying names?


“I’m Yamamoto.” Said a voice from the back. To your surprise, it was the black haired boy you met a while ago. “(First Name), you’ll sit behind me from now on.” He pointed to the empty behind him, and you proceeded there and sat.


“Now then,” The teacher said, and he proceeded to say the rest of morning reminders. You were about to doze your head of when a hand tapped your shoulder. “Excuse me,” It said.


You looked back and came face-to-face with a girl. She had short brown hair and a cute face. Wow, You thought. She must be one of those popular girls.


“Nice to meet you.” She said, offering her hand. “I’m Sasagawa Kyoko. I hope you’ll enjoy here at Nami-Middle.” She smiled at you nicely, and you couldn’t help but smile back. “Nice to meet you, Kyoko. Thanks.”


Meanwhile, while you were shaking hands, somebody cleared his throat beside Kyoko. “Hello, (First Name). I’m Sawada Tsunayoshi. We’ve met before, you know…”


You turned your head to your left and saw the boy with brown, star shaped hair from a while ago. “Ah,” You replied. “I know you! You’re the one with Yamamoto and the white haired one that helped me a while ago, weren’t you?”


He nodded. “Yeah. The white haired one was Gokudera-kun. Gokudera Hayato.”


“Really? Nice to meet you, Sawada-san.”


“Eh? Did you just call me Sawada-san?”


“Yes, is there a problem?”


“Nothing. It’s just- nobody calls me that. They call me Dame-Tsuna.”




“Yo!” A voice interrupted. You turned around to face the black haired guy in front of you.


“It’s nice to meet you, (First Name). I’m Yamamoto Takeshi, though I bet you already knew that.” He said. “A-actually,” You replied. “I didn’t know your first name until now.”


“Really?” He said. He grinned at you and reached out his hand. “Well, you wouldn’t need to know that anyway since you’ll be calling me Yamamoto from now on.”


“Yamamoto!” The teacher called from up front. “The lessons are ongoing now. What do you think your doing?”


“Sensei! I was introducing myself to (First Name)-chan.”


“Well, since your so close to (First Name) now, do you think you could tour her during morning break?”


“Of course, Sensei.”


The teacher nodded in approval and went back to his lesson. People were whispering around, and you concentrated on eavesdropping on the nearest pair of girls.


“Kyaa! She’s so lucky! Spending time with Yamamoto-kun during morning break! I wish I was her.”


“Yeah. But did you notice? She was just talking to Yamamoto-kun earlier. Lucky girl!”


Lucky? Why were they all going gaga over Yamamoto? Was he popular?

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Drabble Collection: Yamamoto Takeshi [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now