I walked up to Ivy's door step..really hoping she was home, I rang the bell..a couple minutes later she answered the door, she looked at me, "Uh..hey Robert?" "Hi, can I?" I said while gesturing inside her house, "Oh sure.." she said while steping to the side, "So Amanda's mom called me and said Amanda never came home last night...no one knows where she is, her mom called the police, but I just wanted to see if maybe you or Josh had heard from her."..she walked to the living room and went to sit down, "She never went home? No I haven't..I doubt Josh has either..actually he's on his way here." I looked at her..she smirked, "Don't worry, after you left last night I explained the whole thing about you and Amanda to him.." I raised an eyebrow, "Is that so." she shrugged..."Well what else was I gonna say when he asked why you almost faught his dad infront of his house?" I nodded, "True, but not like Josh's opinion really matters anyways....no offense." I said while looking at her reassuringly. She shrugged, "I know you don't like him." I sat back and folded one leg over the other, "So how did Joshie boy respond when you told him about Amanda and I?".."He was shocked...but he said it kinda makes sense, he said that you better not hurt her...or else." I chuckled, "No offense Ivy but Josh didn't exactly treat Amanda like a princess, I love her to death...but sometimes, like last night..she push's my buttons and I just get mad and it's like she thinks it's a joke." Ivy rolled her eyes, "You're the older one in the relationship, right? So be the bigger person." I glared at her, "It's easier said then done."..she sighed, "Men." I scoffed, "Women." she raised an eyebrow, "What about women?" I smirked, "They'reallcrazy ah-em any who...when's that lil sucker poppin out of there." I said while pointing at her belly, she laughed, "I see what you did there." I smiled, "I'm good huh?" She gave me a fake smile while getting up, "Not that good, and two more months." then the doorbell rang and of course it was Josh. He walked into the living room, "Hey Mr. Downey." I gave him a head nod, "Hey kid." he sat down and Ivy came and sat next to him, "So have you heard from Amanda?" he looked at me..."No, how come?" I sat forward .."Well Amanda's mom told me that she never came home..and ya know she wasn't at school...I feel like something is wrong." Josh looked at Ivy and then back to me, "So should we call the police or?" I shook my head, "No no Amanda's mom already did that before I came here...I just wanted to see if any of you heard anything." They shook their head. I stood up, "Well I'm gonna get goin." Josh stood up to walk me to the door, when my phone rang, I looked at the caller I.D. Amanda's picture came up...I quickly answered the phone, "Hello?" there was a long uneasy pause..."Amanda?" The sound of a deep breath was all I heard on the other line, I raised my voice, "Alright who the fuck is this huh?" There was no answer, my frustration was rising, "Is this....Sam?" there was a low chuckle on the other end...I knew it, it had to be him.. "If you even to-" he cut me off, "You want her back? Be in the alley behind Silverson's Pub at 10 p.m....come alone." he hung up...I knew it. something was telling me it was Sam...and I was right I ran to the door Ivy called for me and I turned around, "Was that Amanda?" ....I looked at her but didn't say anything, I shook my head..."I have to go save her..and I have to go alone." Josh grabbed my arm, "Who was on the phone, Robert we care as much as you do, let us help." I looked at him, "Sam." was all I could even say..Ivy got up and looked at Josh, "Wasn't your Uncle Sam supposed to come to the baby shower last night? Remember he went into the house and never ca-" She stopped talking..a look of shock came across her face...I was confused, Josh shook his head, "No no no he wouldn't." he seemed like he was questioning himself.."What are you talking about?" I said while looking at Ivy, "Ivy?" she started to cry, "Oh my god.." was all I could make out through her tears. I grabbed Josh by the collar of his shirt, "What is she talking about?" I said through my teeth, Josh looked at me in awe, "My-my uncle Sam....he...he molested me when I was younger..but he doesn't do that anymore! He stopped years ago, he went in the house yesterday but never came back out...but...he- he doesn't do that anymore! Why would he take Amanda?!" it seems like he was trying to make himself believe that, "Does he work as a Janitor?" he looked at me in shock, "Yes... how did you know? Well he used to but he got fired cus of some claim or so-"...he took a step back and looked at Ivy, "Oh my god...it was Amanda...she was the girl who made the claim." I looked at him, I was furious, "Did you know your uncle molested Amanda...huh?! That sick fuck tortured her for months? That's why she came to Jericho!" he looked at me and started to shake, "I..I I didn't know she never told me that." Ivy stepped forward, "She never told me that either..." "Where does he live?!" I said while looking at Josh..he shook even more, "I..I don't know! He always came to my house. I turned around and flung the door open, "Where are you going?" Josh yelled from behind me.."I'm going to meet Sam where he told me to, and I'm going to kill him." I got in my car, '9:30 p.m'..ok I have 30 minutes. As I drove to the bar my heart was pounding against my rib cage and my hands were tightened around the wheel. I promised Amanda I'd never let her get hurt and some how I let that bastard get her..I knew it wasn't my fault..but I couldn't take knowimg he had her, I hope she's okay...I hope he hasn't hurt her..one thing I did know was that Sam was dead...I just needed to go get the body.


*Amanda's POV*

I woke up to the sound of a struggle happening somewhere near me, I couldn't open my right eye...it was swollen shut, my face was throbbing and my body ached, and all I could taste in my mouth was dry blood..the sound of someone walking up the stairs was heard and then someone approaching the door which startled me, the sound of keys moving around was all I could hear before the door flew open and I could only see Sam's shadow from the light that was outside the room...he was breathing heavy, he turned on the light and came over to me, my good eye could hardly stay open from the bright light...he untied my legs and it was then that I noticed he had tied my feet together with a rope around my ankles, and the same with my wrists. "Sit up." he growled I looked at him and there was blood on him...I wasn't sure if it was his own..he stood me up and carried me over his shoulder, he left the room and walked to an open door, he walked down the stairs.. there was a light on the wall of the room but it wasn't bright..I was able to see that I was now in a basement..he dropped me on the cold floor...I couldn't even make any noise from the pain because of the tape on my mouth. He kneeled down infront of my face and sighed..."I really didn't want things to go this way...but you had to involve others." he frowned and shook his head. He stood back up and walked up the stairs, I heard him lock the door. As I layed there the tears began to fall..I just wanted to die...I felt no hope, I was in pain...I heard the sound of someone breath near me, I wiggled around to my other side, and there was Robert about 10 feet away..his head was down and he didn't have tape on his mouth, there was blood on the side of his head and lips, he was sitting in a chair his hands were tied behind his back and his legs to the chair legs...I gasped. I couldn't believe Sam already found him...I started to cry harder...Sam was going to kill him..I knew it. I could see that Robert's eyes were closed...I noticed that thete wwere some box's near me, I scooted over and tipped one over to the ground with my feet hopeing it would wake him up, luckily it did. His head shot up and he opened his eyes, he looked around and then saw me..I still couldn't say anything. "Amanda?...Amanda." I just looked at him and started to cry even more, it became harder to breath because of the tape but I couldn't hold back the tears. He leaned closer but then realised he was tied to the chair, "Fuck." I heard him mumble..he looked at me..I couldn't look at him I just shut my eye and cryed, his voice was shaky and quiet, "Amanda...Amanda look at me baby." I opened my eye and looked up at him, he clenched his jaw and looked closer, he looked away and bit his lip, "Can you see out of that eye?" he asked quietly...I shook my head and I saw anger come across his face, "Don't.." he paused and cleared his voice, "Don't cry okay? We are gonna be okay, you are gonna be okay..." I looked away and cryed, his words were sincere but I could hear the fear in his voice, "Stop.." his voice cracked, I looked at him and I could see tears under his eyes, "We are gonna get out of hear..I'm going to kill him...everything will be okay..just stay calm for me okay?" I nodded my head. "Good." he said while sighing and taking a deep breath he looked aroumlnd the room and then back at me, "I'm sorry Amanda...what I said...you didn't deserve that...I was mad..and you were right I was jealous and being insecure. I just can't lose you, you're everything to me..." I could see the shame on his face, I shook my head at him..trying to show him that it wasn't his fault..but I couldn't speak. "We will be okay, your mom called the police earlier, I talked to her...Ivy and Josh know I went to meet Sam...they will notice I didn't come back and they will find us, don't worry." I looked at him...I tryed to make a noise but I could.unly grunt, he looked at me confuse what is it?...I nodded.my head at him, he looked at me as if I was a puzzle.."What happened?" he said I nodded my head and then looked around the room and then right back at him, "Why?....why...hm why am I here? Is that what you're asking?" I nodded my head, I was only able to go "mhm.".."Sam called mee from your phone he told me to meet him in an alley behind a bar at 10..so I did, he came up behind me and knocked me upside the head with something...I think it was glass, and then I woke up in this chair." I looked at him with sad eyes and shook my head, there was a long pause.."Amanda look at me.." he said quietly, I did. "Did he touch you?" he asked while raising his eyebrows and I knew what he ment.... like rape, I shook my head signaling 'No' and he nodded with relief.

My eyes were getting heavy and I layed my head on the ground, I was starving...practically falling asleep when I heard the basement door unlock, I snapped my head up and looked at Robert with fear, "Don't worry." he whispered while his eyes were fixed on the staircase waiting for Sam to come down, as the footsteps grew closer..my heart pounded faster.


Oh shittttttttt, sorry it took long but I had to plan this chapter lol. Anyway tell me you're thoughts, do you think Sam will really kill them? VOTE- COMMENT please&Thank you.<3 :)

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