The come before the storm

Start from the beginning

"Relac." She whispered into my ear. I felt like she had ripped my lungs out of my chest. She she rolled me over onto my side and continued stroking my ribs. After I few minutes I could feel my lungs returning to life. I had nearly passed out. I silently wondered how long my body could endure her sex drive and mine combined. But there are worse ways to go, I thought to myself.

"There, you see?" her voice was triumphant and gentle all at the same time. She trailed kisses all over my cheeks, temple and forehead. I had never experienced anything so soothing in all my life. It was still hard for me to believe that I was her first girlfriend. She was obviously fitting into her new role quite well. "You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm okay, babe." I told her when I was finally about to breathe again. I pulled my angel close against my chest and soon we were both sleepy soundly.

After our somewhat rocky start, my angel and I were able to get into a more settled state within the first month of our relationship, although it still had its issues. Considering that we did have sex the first night we met, it is needless to say that our sex lives were pretty good. It is hard for me to believe, even now, that I was the first girl she had ever been with because, let me tell you, her sex drive was off the charts. The simplest of acts seemed to set her off, not that I was complaining. Life flowed easily for us and within a week of our meeting. It was almost like we had always been together. She was mine and I was hers. I still had only heartbreak to contend with and she was still dealing with the fact that she wasn't actually a lesbian and she hadn't told her family about me, she just really liked me, but we were working on it.

One thing Aria was really good was making me feel comfortable. Part of me knew that she was hiding me, which I had feared from the beginning but I never felt out of place with her. She made me comfortable no matter what.

One Saturday, one month after we met, I walked into my bedroom and I saw my angel standing in front of my full length mirror admiring herself. I watched from the doorway as she turned to look at her hips and thighs. She was wearing only her bra and panties so I don't think anyone can blame me for watching. I was captivated by my gorgeous girlfriend checking herself out but the more I watched the more I realized that she didn't look too happy at what she was looking at. I crept into the room and slipped my arms around her before she noticed I was there.

"What are you doing?" I whispered into her ear. I could feel her shiver in my arms from my voice. I grinned and watched us in the mirror. It was like we were made for each other. I was a few inches taller than her, so I was able to rest my head perfectly on her shoulder. Her hair was such a great contrast from my blonde locks that it was kind of funny. Even the difference in our skin was amusing. I was a smooth pale color and even her cute tan still look darker next to me. But when it came to her body she was nothing but gorgeous. She wasn't as toned as I was but there wasn't an ounce of fat on her. But we were still different. My stomach had the bare outlines or where my abs would be, should I decide to work them out further, but I never worked on them too much. I wasn't trying to go out for a body building competition. Her legs were toned but retained their feminine curves while mine were more solid. But I knew what she was looking at. The one place she hated about her body was her thighs. She was always reluctant to show off her body because she thought her thighs were too fat, when in reality they were gorgeous. Succulent and soft without being fat, contrary to what she thought.

"I'm not doing anything." She lied. I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

I let my hands wander over her stomach. "You look great, baby."

"You have to say that." She joked with a fake smile. "If not you would not be getting any for a long time."

"I'm serious. You are gorgeous and I am lucky to have you." I couldn't think of anything else to say so I pulled her closer to my chest so that she was resting in my arms.

"Yeah, right. You could get any girl or guy you wanted." I could see a flash of pain in her eyes through the mirror. It killed me to see the pain that she was putting herself through.

"You're right, I have had an easy time getting people into my bed but you are the only person I want now and you are perfect."

I kissed her neck but she still didn't look happy. So I looked back into the mirror and I moved one of my hands up to her face. "Look at yourself. You're gorgeous. Those beautiful green eyes mesmerize me every time I look at them."

She smiled at me through the mirror and I moved my hands down to her neck. "And your neck is probably the second best thing I have ever tasted in my life."

I didn't have to look in the mirror to know that my baby was blushing. I could feel her warm blood rush to her chest under my arm. I unsnapped her bra swiftly then grasped her perfect 36C breast. "You tits are perfect. I can barely think straight when I see them and if it wasn't for work I would probably spend all my life with my mouth on them."

I looked at the mirror and I saw that her blush had crept to her face. I grinned at her but I kept up my work. I moved my hands down to her flat stomach and rubbed my hands around her. "Look at you stomach. It's fantastic. You barely ever work on it and it is perfect condition. And you waist is exquisite. It's tiny, not like my giant ass hips."

Aria laughed and threw her head back onto my shoulder. I reached lower and grabbed her thighs between her legs. "And this" I said in a deep sultry voice. "Let's just say, I can show you better than I can tell you."

With that, I quickly picked her up and placed her on the bed. She giggled like a little school girl when I tried to make my way between her legs but she pushed me away when I finally reached my destination.

"We are going to the beach, remember?" she chuckled as she tossed me aside. I groaned to myself but I did remember that I had promised my girl that we would go tanning on the beach. I got up, in an incredibly sexually frustrated state, and changed into my bikini and a pair of shorts before getting my dogs into my car. Just as I was packing the towels into the trunk I saw Ari from the corner of my eye. She was dressed similarly to me but she was breathtaking. Her shorts were shorter than mine and they were super sexy. Mine were black board shorts that went well with my red bikini. I usually wore longer shorts to the beach since I worked on my tan by my pool but seeing Aria made me want to lock my dogs up and go alone with my angel. I suppressed my selfish urges and kissed Aria before she got in the car.

Don't kill me I know I keep saying Emily will come in soon. But am trying to make Emily entrance big but simple as well. Xoxo JB

Finding my angel, facing my demonWhere stories live. Discover now