Chapter 8: 'Tis The Season Part 1

Start from the beginning

I bust out laughing. "All y'all have no chill. Ima head out. See you boys on Saturday."

"Yeah, he gotta go get that cutty." Kris chuckled.

I shook my head. "Whatever. Merry Christmas and ya'll boys be safe!"

I walked out and into my car. Once I got stuck at the light, I decided to text Alexsa:

9:04;To Wifey; Be ready at 10:30.

9:06; From Wifey; For?

I sucked my teeth as I made a right on Washington Boulevard.

9:06;To Wifey; Why you always asking questions? Lemme take you out...Just me and you.

9:07;From Wifey; Alright... And since I know we gonna be out till late, I'm spending the night by your house.

9:10; I love that idea. Maybe you can give me an early Christmas present.

I started laughing when I saw that she read it and didn't reply. By the time I got home it was 9:33. I put my car in the garage and walked into my house, undoing the alarm. I walked back into my room, placing down my belongings and stripping naked.

After taking a 20 minute shower i got dressed in a fitted Red T-shirt, my Red and White Gucci sweater, White skinny jeans and Jordan 7 Hares. Slipping on my Gold watch, I checked the time and saw it was 10:15. I quickly sprayed my "Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male" cologne, grabbed my phone and keys and walked out the room.

I set my alarm back and hopped in my car, calling Alexsa.

"Hola." She picked up.

"I'm on my way."

"Alright, I'll be ready by the time you get here." She responded.

"Ok mama."


Once we hung up, I turned on the heater and put on the radio.


"My baby is looking FIONE!" Alexsa hopped in the car, placing her bag in the backseat.

I chuckled and pecked her lips. "Yo' baby huh?"

"And you know this, mannnnn" She said sounding like Smokey from "Friday."

I looked at her and smirked.

"You look good though too mama."

Her hair was in a big messy, yet clean, high bun and she had on an oversized Grey crochet pullover, Black tights, grey high socks that were scrunched up and Leather Red boots. (Outfit in external link)

She shrugged. "I tried on like 20 different things, but all of them woulda had me freezing to death, so I just threw this on last minute. I don't like it, I think it's too basic."

"Nah for real ma, you look beautiful. I think you look best when you dressed down or just in chill clothes."

"Oh you on yo' Drake huh?" She laughed.

I dropped one hand from the wheel and intertwined my fingers with her.

"What you so happy for?" I asked.

I felt her look up at me and then back out of her window.

"I guess it's because I... Never mind, let's just vibe." She shook her head.

"Baby girl, you could tell me anything. What did I tell you 'bout that?"

"I just never had a real Christmas Eve or Christmas for the last 7 to 8 years so i'm a little bit excited. Especially because it's... With you." She mumbled.

Panty Droppa ~Kelly OubreWhere stories live. Discover now