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Finally, the last five minutes of school. I'm surprised how fast the time flew by.

"Okay guys, stack your chairs. You can do whatever you want, just don't crowd the door," my biology teacher announced.

Once my chair was stacked, I looked across the classroom to find my only friend in this class, Riley.

I took out my phone, noticing that I got a text message from her.

Riley: "Taliaaaa"

When I looked up at my phone and at her direction, she motioned for me to go to her.

I shook my head and motioned for her to come over. Like always, she ended up being the one to move.

"Did you hear about what happened during lunch?" I asked, still thinking about it two hours after it occurred.

Riley nodded her head, "Yeah, Macy told me."

"Wow, okay," I pointed out, squinting my eyes.

"Ah Riley, he asked me.. but I know he only asked me because I was supposed to ask him," I whined, feeling a little disappointed at myself.

Riley shrugged her shoulders, "Hey, the good thing is that he asked, so you'll be with him at the game."

I slowly nodded my head, not wanting to contradict that, since she was right.

But for some reason, I have a feeling he won't show. Andrew already did that twice.. on the first week of school too.

"Don't worry, he'll stick to his word," Riley assured as if she read my mind.

The conversation ended when the school bell rang.

I waved 'bye' to Riley and walked out of the classroom and into the hallway full of students rushing to leave.

As I was walking down the hallways, a couple band people passed me. I didn't know them, but I just knew they were in band.

Well duh, Talia. You're walking towards the band room, which is where you get picked up.

I spotted Macy walking my direction, and when she noticed me, she changed her direction and walked over.

"Dude, Steve at practice today..." That's all Macy said before walking away.

I turned around and watched as she went. "Wait, Macy! Text me what happened," I said, slightly laughing.

She nodded her head before disappearing into the hallway. That's when I turned back around and continued walking to where I get picked up.

Since I didn't see the car that's supposed to pick me up, I went into the shade of a tree and stood there.

Suddenly, someone came and shoved me from behind while yelling, "Boo!"

After I recovered from stumbling, I turned around to see Olivia bent over, dying of laughter.

"Really, Olivia?" I asked, beginning to laugh along with her as she nodded her head.

When Olivia and I finally calmed down, she began a conversation about tomorrow's game.

"I'm so pumped for the game tomorrow!" She exclaimed, beaming with joy.

I raised my eyebrows and smirked, "Why? Because Trevor's going to be there?"

Because of that, Olivia's face began to turn red. "Psh, no. Choir is helping out at the snack bars," She reasoned.

Regardless of what she said, I continued to smirk, "Okay sure."

"I'm being serious, Talia," Olivia replied, hinting a smile. I laughed at her until she continued on the topic.

"So, what about you? Is Andrew going?" Olivia asked, making it her turn to do the smirking.

Oh, here we go again...

I didn't need to say anything to answer. All I did was smile and Olivia knew exactly what I meant.

"Aww, are you two going together?" She asked, raising her eyebrows as she nudged me.

I shyly smiled and answered, "Well, sort of."

Olivia gasped, "Aw really? That cute."

I nodded my head in reply, which pretty much ended the conversation.

That's when I got a text message from my dad: Your mom texted me to tell you to walk home today. Be safe and watch for cars!

"Darn it, I'm walking home.." I complained to Olivia, who gave me a pity face.

"Oh, why don't I ask my parents if I can walk home with you?" Olivia offered, that way I can have some company with me.

I nodded my head and smiled, "Really? Sure, that'd be great Liv."

After a few seconds of talking on the phone with her parents, Olivia nodded her head as she hung up.

"My mom and dad said that they're okay with me walking home with you," She concluded with a smile.

"Woo! Let's start walking then," I suggested, beginning to walk down the sidewalk with Olivia by my side.

When we reached the intersection with stoplights, we stood there, waiting for the signal to walk across.

While we were waiting, a car pulled up to the crosswalk. I didn't realize who was in the car until Olivia pointed it out.

"Haha look Talia! It's Andrew!" She exclaimed, almost loud enough that Andrew probably heard it from inside his car.


"Shhhh!" I whispered, looking away. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Andrew smiling.

I wasn't sure what he was smiling at or about, but whatever it was, he seemed really happy about it.

Maybe about tomorrow? I don't know..

"Talia, are you seeing this?" Olivia asked, giving me a nudge.

I shook my head, "Seeing what?"

"Andrew, he was smiling at you."

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