Chapter 2

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"I-I...what?" Breathed Arraya. " Father you surely are jesting, for you can not be truthful at this very moment!" She exclaimed in shock. Arraya closed her eyes in protests while shaking her head. She wanted to block the sight of her father sitting down in the sitting area by the fire in her chambers, the stupidity of him! She felt a chill go through her body first in anger, then out of fear. She felt the beginnings of water forming behind her eyes. She was to be wed! To an AEsir Prince no less....and he was here now in in the great hall amidst her celebration waiting for her! Arraya, sobbed as she sulked over to one of her chairs and sunk down in defeat. She slumped over to put her head in her hands.

"Arraya my sweet little elf..." Freyr reassured with endearment, " You are my only heir to my throne. The AEsir are a very powerful race...the most powerful in all the nine realms. This agreement was made before you were born, from the moment I found out from the Goddess Frigga that your dear mother was with child. She had come with me for a visit to the Realm to see your Aunt Freya at that time...Frigga being the God of childbirth knew immediately that you were a girl. Odin in his Allfather ways, very forcefully pushed this arrangement. For if peace were to remain between these two realms, he assured this must take place. He also convinced me that I was an enemy to Asgard and no longer welcome on the realm if I were to refuse. Your Aunt, my dear sister still resides there, it is her home. What was I to do?" Freyr looked at his dear child with a pained expression, and reached out to place a hand on her back. He gently patted her in an attempt to try and console his daughter, wincing once he heard her sob with anguish. Freyr shook his head and tried a different approach. For Odin himself would not stand against such defiance to his wishes. Freyr took his hand back and stood up while smoothing out his leathers.

"Well it is done, no point in fretting over it , it is inevitable. Get up and get ready Arraya. I want you out there to meet your betrothed in 20 minutes." With that Freyr walked out of her chambers to leave her there to absorb the horrid news alone. Arraya recoiled in a new shock, her father had never talked to her like that before. He had always doted on her and talked to her with such love and admiration. Arraya looked at her birthday dress spread on to her bed and called for her handmaids. If she were to be out there 20 minutes, she had best start to get ready. For her father's tone had put a little fear in her. She never would want to disappoint him. Realizing the importance in carrying out her duty, if she were to one day be Queen, she would have to keep good relations with King Odin. If that meant not marrying for love and out of obligation...then so be it.



Loki looked around the great table that he had been seated at. It was a long rectangular cherry wood table with a white table cloth embroidered with a silver pattern. The intricate pattern was a familiar symbol to Loki, he recognized it from Freyr's armour. Thor fought Freyr many a time in competition on Asgard while Freyr lived there a long while ago. Loki had fought Freyr once himself, and remembered his eye wandering to the crest on his leather inquisitively. After the fight Loki asked Freyr about it. Turned out it was a crest given to Freyr back in Vanaheim from his father Njord. The crest was a symbol that represented Freyr, the God of sunshine and rain. Loki nodded in understanding to Freyr as Odin had a family crest as well.

Loki looked around the great hall and studied his surroundings, he could see The Allfather sitting at the head of the great table with both Frigga and Thor on opposite sides. Freya, Freyr's twin sister was seated adjacent to Thor and the two were engaged in an intimate conversation so it seems. Loki down further. There were maybe 30 other guests between them. Loki was seated at the opposite end of the table, with two empty seats. One at the opposite end to Odin and one directly across from himself. The hall was loud with the clatter of plates and servers and conversations from all around. The acoustics of the hall was impressive. It was not unusual that Freyr suddenly appeared before him, given there were so many distractions.

"Prince Loki" Freyr announced as he approached the table with an out stretched hand. Loki stood up to take his forearm and greet him the traditional Aesir way. "How very nice to see you, please bid me leave momentarily so I can greet your father and family...I will be back." Freyr stated as he began to walk away. Loki nodded in understanding . "Oh...Loki, the Princess should be here any minute to join us." he exclaimed turning momentarily in Loki's direction, and then proceeded make his way toward Odin.

Loki was nervous. He was to be wed to this woman....a woman he has never met. Will she be pretty? Will she be dreadfully high maintenance... a spoiled brat? Loki would prefer her to be ugly. Anything other than a horrid creature with a retched personailty. He reached out to snag a piece of bread from the bread basket set before him by the servers and took a bite. When he looked up, he saw an overwhelming erethreal vision enter the room. Loki stopped mid-chew, and gawked at this woman. He almost forgot how to breath, let alone swallow his bread. He was completely lost in her beauty. His mind cleared of all things that didn't involve looking at this Goddess heading towards him.

Her pale straight golden hair was long and reached the backs of her thighs. Her head was crowned in a gold headdress that contained jewels and whispy flowers. She was tall and lean and dressed in a Chiffon cream/white colour gown that draped around her waist and hugged her luscious breasts perfectly. Her midsection was toned and faintly shielded by a see through material between her bust and waist. The gold straps that held her chiffon brasier in place were made of the very same material as her headdress. The same translucent material that barely hid her midsection was cloaked around her arms and shoulders draping around her dress, flowing behind her as she walked. Loki looked at below her curves and studied how the chiffon material split up her leg showing them off.

Loki could not stop looking at this beautiful creature, as she neared he could smell the sweet smell of the flowers that were in her hair. The nearer she approached, the tighter his pants became. He could feel the stares of everyone around him...he must of been quite a sight. Loki was never one without words.

"Hello Prince of Asgard, my name is Arraya. It is nice to meet you. " The goddess said to him. Her nightingale voice snapping him out of his stupor. Loki shook his head and rose to greet the Princess. Taking her extended hand, he leaned down to kiss her creamy white flawless knuckles. As soon as his mouth tasted her skin, his cock twitched again. His heart fluttered when he looked up into the bright emerald eyes.

"No Princess, the pleasure is all mine, I assure you."


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