"Race you to the dunk tank!" I said before running off.


Dipper's Pov:

Wendy and I walked around the carnival when we came across one booth. Wendy looked up at the prizes and gasped.

"I don't know if that's a duck or a panda, but I want one!"

"One ball please?" I said as I gave the guy behind the counter a ticket in exchange for a ball.

"You only get one chance." He said. I looked at Wendy, who smiled and gave me the thumbs up.

"And a one, and a two and a..." I threw the ball, but it hit the table the bottles sat on and bounced back, hitting Wendy in the eye. Oh no! No, no, no, no...

"Ah! My eye!" She yelped. 

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh Wendy! Are you okay?!"

"Does it look swollen?" Her eye turned a shade of purple.

"I'll go get some ice!" I ran off the the cooler on the Mystery Shack's porch and grabbed a bag of ice. As I ran back, I crashed into a guy. The ice spilled everywhere, and I hastily scooped the ice into the bag.

"Watch where you're going, man!" I scowled, picking up the ice bag and running off. As I neared the booth, I heard a voice.

"Just ease your eye into the freezie cone."

"Thanks Robbie. This is really sweet, the gesture and the flavoured syrup."

I watched, clutching onto the ice bag. "Y'know, I've been meaning to ask you..." Robbie fumbled with his sweater. "I was wondering... If you want to go out with me?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Wendy replied. My heart snapped.  I heard Mabel walk over to me and say something. I couldn't hear her.

"What are you looking at?" Mabel asked. I could only point towards Wendy and Robbie, as they held hands and ran towards the Tunnel of Love and Corndogs.


Y/N's Pov:

As Bill and I walked from the balloon pop, I felt something strange. I looked around me cautiously, to see that nothing has changed, yet, it felt like it did.

"Something wrong?" Bill asked.

"Uh, nothing..." I re-assured him.

He looked at his watch. "Wow, look at the time. I've gotta go, Y/N."

"Already? Huh."

He smiled and pat my head. "See you later, kid."

I folded my arms. "Later, Bill... And stop calling me a kid!" He waved at me as he walked away. 

"Y/N!" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned around to see Dipper, Mabel and Waddles. The twins, hold a snowcone in hand, only Mabel has two.

"Hey! There you guys are." I greet them as Mabel hands me a snowcone.

"You won't believe what just happened!" Dipper said excited. We sat down in front of the ferris wheel as they told their story of travelling back in time. They told me about the time traveller, and the anomalies, and that Wendy and Robbie were know dating (barf).

"Whoa..." I said, once they had finished their story. "That's what I must've felt earlier today..."

Dipper looked surprised. "Hang on... You felt a rift in time?!"

"Yeah, I must have. I don't know, it's just... The atmosphere felt so much... Different."

"But how? Nobody should be able to feel a change in time!" Dipper exclaimed. I shrugged.

"That's so cool! What if you have, like, a secret power or something?!" Mabel gaped.

I chuckled. "Mabel, if I had a secret power, then I'm pretty sure I'd know about it. Now, why don't we go enjoy the rest of the fair?"

"Okay!" Dipper and Mabel said in unison. 

"Hey, guys! I'm gonna go take some more pictures with Waddles. I'll catch up with you two later!" Mabel squealed and took her pig to the photo booth. Dipper and I stood in silence, finishing out snowcones.

"Look, Y/N... Mabel told me that you felt really left out when you hung out with us earlier. I'm really sorry for ignoring you."

I fumbled with the bandana around my arm, a new habit of mine. "Don't worry about it, Dipping Dots."

"I'll make it up to you. Why don't we go to the ferris wheel?"

On the ferris wheel? With my crush? "Sure." I smiled and he grabbed my hand and we ran towards the ride.


So, in case you haven't noticed, there's literally going to be a HUGE love triangle of some sort. Bill likes you, you like Dipper, Dipper likes Wendy and Wendy likes Robbie (I think). I guess, it's less of a triangle and more of a love circle?? Also, how can reader-chan feel a rift in time?? 



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