Getting to know you

Start from the beginning

"Right." Lindsey put on his sunglasses and pulled out of his parking space, turning the car to drive them to one of his favorite restaurant's. 

On the road, they talked about Stevie's first day and what she thought of it, whether she liked it so far and if she was happy to be a part of this new team. The ride was only under twenty minutes, so awkward silences were avoided.

They were immediately escorted to a table, once they set foot into the restaurant, Lindsey ordering a bottle of red wine. Stevie raised an eyebrow, sitting across from him. "What?"

"You're driving. Should you really be drinking?"

"A glass with a meal won't do any harm, you'll finish the rest."

"I'll get wasted, I don't drink much."

"Come on, live a little. You have a lot to celebrate. As long as you don't come to the office drunk tomorrow of course. Anyway. What are you hungry for?" He picked up the menu and handed it over to her.

"I don't come to places like this often, I don't know what's good. Why don't you order for the both of us?"

"I don't know your taste, do you trust me that much?"

"I'll risk it." 

Lindsey half smiled to himself and closed the menu, asking for the waiter to approach their table, as he placed the order. "Well then, Stephanie, from Arizona, who doesn't look thirty three, tell me something?"

"Why don't you inform every single person in here of how old I am?"

"Did I offend you?"

"No, but that information is between you and I."

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?"

She shrugged, sipping the wine. "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

"You mentioned troubles in your personal life. Something with the family?" Obviously, she wasn't going to start talking herself, so he decided to start asking. "Understand that I'm not being nosy or anything, I just want us to overcome that barrier built by the fact I'm your boss, I can be your friend too."

Yeah, but something is still off with you. "It's not exactly the family, no. I, uh... I was in a relationship for over five years and we were supposed to get married last month."


"But he left me at the altar."

"You're kidding..."

"I wish I was. The guests were waiting, everything was ready for the ceremony, I had my dress on, my make up on and then his best man came to tell me that, you see... the groom decided this was not what he wanted." 

"Bastard. Who wouldn't want to marry a woman like you?"

"What makes me so special?"

"You're beautiful, you're attractive. I think you're a lot smarter than you let people think and you do not seem easily broken."

"What would your wife say if she heard you talk this way?"


Stevie looked down at his hand, clearly a wedding band on his finger. "Or you just happen to be wearing a wedding ring for fun?"

"No. I do have a wife, but... I'd rather not talk about her."

"Having troubles?"

"Hey, I thought we were getting to know you?"

Thankfully, the waiter returned with their food and she dropped the subject.

"So, do you live here by yourself?"

"I'm alone here." She nodded, cutting the meat. "My parents and brother are in Arizona. The friends I had made in my previous job have forgotten all about me. I don't have anyone to go out with or watch a movie, or anything really."

Oh, poor you, Stephanie. Suffering after a break up, all alone in the city... My God, she'll be so easy! "Right, that's too bad. But like I've already said, you can talk to me, you know? Don't be shy."

"Thanks." She smiled, maybe he's not that bad.

"Do you have just the one brother?"

"Yeah, he's younger than me, but we're really close."

"I think it's quite obvious, but do you have children?"

"No. Paul and I were planning to start thinking about kids, once we get married. You know how that turned out... Do you?"

"What, have kids?" She nodded, looking at him over the rim of her glass of wine. "No. I can't really say I want to either."

"I do. I want to have a girl. I'd name her Lily."

"You're sure planning ahead."

Stevie shrugged, playing with the food on her plate with the fork. "I don't want to work my whole life and then have regrets. I want to meet a man, who I would be so in love with, and I could be a housewife and stay at home mom to our children, while he's the one at work."

"Do you believe men like that exist?" I'm pretty sure, they all want to bang you and that's all.

"I have to."

They finished eating and spent another good hour talking, while Stevie drank the wine until the bottle was empty and she started feeling tipsy. Lindsey took care of the bill and led her to the car, asking where she lived. 

"I could call a car from the restaurant though." She said, already having given him the address.

"Believe it or not, it's on my way home, so you're no bother to me at all."

Lindsey stopped by the apartment building and turned off the engine. It was dark outside and he said he would wait until he knew she was inside and safe.

"What could happen in such short distance from your car to the door?"

"Well, you never know. Better safe then sorry." He smiled and so did she.

"Thank you. I had a really good time."

"Me too." He said, placing his hand on her thigh.

"Uh... I... I better go." Stevie placed her palm over the back of his hand, pushing it off her leg, but he took the hold of hers and brought it up to his lips.

"Have a goodnight, Stephanie."

"Yeah, right." She didn't want to show it, but she hurried to open the door and get out. "Bye."

She climbed up the steps, wishing he would just drive away already. But Lindsey sat back in his seat, smirking, his head still turned to look at her. Playing hard to get... Yeah, not for long. You just wait until I get my hands on you, you'll be begging me to never stop.

At last, he twisted the key and turned the engine on again, as he drove away.

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