The begining

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Dan and Phil live in a wold were each different person wears a certain colour that reflects there personality and you are only supposed to date people that are in the same colour group as you, that's just how it it.

For example people who wear red usually act normal but got jealous easily, people who wear yellow are very happy and full of joy, people who wear blue are also normal but it's always find the downside of things, the people who wear white were innocent and pure, people who wear green love nature and like everything to be tidy, people who wear orange are the creative ones, people who wear purple are always up for a laugh and love throwing parties, the ones who wear gold are the ones that are born into a rich family, people who wear pink are the jokers of the group, ect.

Everyone is born with a certain colour of clothing they have to wear, they are even certain clothes shops for each colour, that's just how it was. No one ever wore another piece of clothing that was another colour as it was just considered as a crime. But everyone was happy with the way they lived, it made no difference.

Apart from Phil Lester, he was one of the unlucky ones who ended up in the No Colour group. It is very rare to find people in the No Colour group, and if you are in that group then people usually ignored or avoided you. Because they are the ones that wear black clothing. There are many rumours about the people who wear black, people say they are evil and only find fun in bullying or killing people. Which wasn't true.

Unfortunately Phil was just born this way, he didn't have any other option. His parents disowned him and put him up for adoption at a young age. But everyone there ignored him. He lived in a care home for many years, putting up with hate he got and the bulling at school. Eventually at the age of 19, he moved to London living in a small apartment by himself. After a year of living alone, he fell in love with a innocent boy named Dan Howell.

No one talked to the rare No Colours, never mind dated them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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